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Hey folks,

As I'm sure we all seen by now, Patreon have made changes to their payment model. I'm too dumb to explain it properly, but you can read all about it all over the place.

I've seen other people who use Patreon offering to change their tier structures, but we've only got the one ($5USD). This will go up by like, 75 cents-ish I think? I'm not the numbers guy, I should get Theo to tell me. 

Anyways, I'm writing to see if our listeners have any strong feelings about it. We've already had a significant number of people unsubscribe from the show in the wake of the announcement, and of course we don't blame anyone for doing so. It's your money and you should do what you want with it (or maybe the changes have squeezed your wallet just a little too hard and we understand that too).

Please pound off in the comments and let us know how you feel or if you have any suggestions for changes we could or should make.

Peace and love from up above,


cool biRd pics

you better bet im pounding off on the comments


They just announced they won't change the fees! So I'm coming back.