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Hey Gearheads!

So I'm sure your all aware of VR Chat and you may or may not know about the people playing it with a much higher level of control over their avatar than the average player.

Their trackers allow them to match their movements, which makes a big difference when you want to gesture, interact with other people, pole dance, play the bongos on your buddies' boobs lol, etc.  Originally, everyone was using Vive Trackers to do this, which is still probably largely the case, but they are bulky and require the Vive base stations, so it's a pretty big investment with the trackers alone being over a hundred bucks a pop.

The Sony Mocopi is no small investment either, but much more reasonable on multiple accounts.  They come in at $450 and you get 6 trackers.  Head, Wrists, Hip and Ankles.  You also only need your phone to connect them.

Since they're so much smaller than the Vive Trackers, they'd be easier to move around in, easy to store/carry and by connecting to your phone instead of stationary base stations, you have many more options for where you use them.

Though a great use case I initially saw for them was VR Chat, that's not even the main use they are showing off as Hololive uses these trackers now for Vtubing.  You already need your phone for facial tracking, so it makes perfect sense.  I'm sure even more avatar use cases will be coming out where these trackers will become useful, so I'll be keeping a close eye on these myself for a drop in price or a sale so I can grab some to experiment with as I see animation potential too.

See it in action: https://youtu.be/2eHjC7daOWs 




Genuine question is this an ad? This whole thing reads like a marketing writeup.


There is no affiliate link and I get nothing from anyone for posting about this. I have been following this since before it was released and these are my genuine thoughts written by me as something of potential interest to the community.