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Hey Gearheads!

During your journey to become a master you visited an area with dangerous high-level Pokemon, but the risk was going to be worth it for the new additions to your team.  Deep into the woods, you found a group of Perrserker's gathered around something.  As you edged closer you could see it was an injured Kirlia close to fainting.  Without thinking you sprung into action with your team and though it was close you managed to defeat them.  Just before the Kirlia fainted you managed to pick her up and give her a potion, restoring her strength.  That combined with her experience from the battle was enough to spur her evolution into Gardevoir, but something about your presence, the forest, or something affected her evolution.  When she finished evolving her speech was fully understandable to you and she was extremely grateful to you for rescuing her, accepting you as her master.

As you traveled with her throughout the rest of the forest gathering more members for your team was a lot easier and due to her uniqueness (and insistence) she always stayed with you instead of going into a pokeball.  Once you left the forest she and your team were much stronger and once you got to the next town you heard about a treatment center that catered to such unique relationships and could help you deep your bond making Gardevoir even stronger and you both agreed to try it out, but what kind of training could this be...

[Videos have been added to the Featured Videos Archive] (Tier1+)

Wooo! We did it!  It was a long road, but we managed to find a good middle ground between immersion and time.  This project took about 4 months and I think that's reasonable for something like this.  Ideally, I'd like to keep it to 3, but for the extra scenes, it was worth it.  We started with a goal of 3 sex scenes and ended up adding dialogue to those scenes, then an intro scene and then an orgasm, since many of you have requested finishers to the animations.  So we went from 3 to 8.  This brings us back up to a level closer to the originals like Korra and Azula without the 1.5 year completion time, so it's quite an accomplishment and I look forward to rolling what I've learned into the next community project.



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