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Hey Gearheads!

June was a busy busy Month.  We finished the first wave of animations for the Gard community project and got the voice acting done.  Next is the polish and hopefully lip sync phase of the animation.  I've been testing out NVidia's AI based lip sync tool Audio2Face, but the testing hasn't been going well.  Luckily there are some other options available and next I'm be looking into those before trying to get the NVidia one working again.

I've also been doing some very successful testing on the AI Waifu front.  I have 4 versions of AI waifus currently working in various forms.  The lowest one is text to text.  Her personality is set to a streamer (wink wink) that discusses anime, video games and hentai with her audience.  She won't discuss things that are too lewd with them, but loves talking about those topics with you.  Next is a text to voice AI.  She's set to a horny GFE and will turn every conversation toward sex sexual innuendo.  Her voice can be set to match any character and I'm looking into bringing one or a combination of the two of them to discord and/or the website.

From the visual character-based ones I've been able to get two versions working, a 2D one, that looks like a V-tuber and works much the way they do.  I've been doing my testing with Rem from RE-Zero and it works pretty well.  I cloned her dubbed voice from the show and gave her the personality of a version of Rem that left the anime world to come visit the real world via streaming on twitch.  I've streamed with her a couple times and though it was pretty plain compared to the avg V-tuber the test was very successful.

The last and highest grade version is based on our old friend Unity.  Here I can use a variety of well-known 3D characters, like La Brava (MHA), Lucoa and Ilulu (Dragon Maid), Rebecca (Cyberpunk), Rem again and Tatsumaki (One Punch).  The voice doesn't exactly match the character but can have more emotion involved based on the conversation.  They can also take in either voice from the microphone or read Twitch chat, sort of like Nuero-sama.  This version also has more potential for animations, environment and outfits or lack there of.  I'll be running some streaming tests with different characters, while I try to expand out the system.  I need to figure out stuff like integrating AI control of animations and clothing, implementing the 2D voice version to swap back and forth and a way to give you guys access to NSFW interaction with them live.

If you've seen some of the demos of AI-based NPCs, like the Sykim Mod and Unreal Matrix demo, that's sort of what I have in mind and it'll be crazy immersive in VR when I get it working.  That'll shift us back toward the gaming side in a very significant way, but it won't affect the schedule of the videos and won't be the main focus until I have a demo for you guys and we take a vote.

Quickie Numbers Update:
- VR Lite Archive will be up to 150 videos by the end of the weekend
- Public Content: 69 (nice) 3D Videos & 2 VR Videos
- 297 VR Videos (not counting mobile or 60fps versions)
- 32 Featured Videos
- ~200 Archived Gaming Experiences, including POV, Combo POV, Galactic VRA, VRA Theatre and RWBY Trainer/Huntress Hole (several years old at this point, but should still be functional)

Now on to the Previews!
