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Hey Gearheads!

I've been having fun with the intro stories, but they can be time-consuming.  Even so I want to know your opinions on them.  Do they make a difference or do you skip over them and go straight to the video content?

Part of the reason I'm checking is the gauge the popularity, but the other is the new audio addition I'm considering adding to the mix.  I went into more detail in the other post, but basically, I'm considering adding to or replacing the intro story with an audio version.  One that's read by our Mascot or the actual character in the animation.  Using the character would be based on popularity since it would be a bitch and a half to pull off for some characters.  Video game characters are the easiest for something like this.

How much effort/focus I put into this will depend on the poll, so let me know what you think.  I've included the audio sample from the other post in case you missed it or need a reminder.

Vote twice, once for your opinion on the text-based version and one for the prospective audio version

*Update: Sorry guys forgot to set the other poll to multi-selection.  Will run this one until the end of the weekend.


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