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Hey Gearheads!

What a ride April was.  We had the exclusive Wanda release (that may be popping back up in a game engine) as well as the exclusive Panama release and the big Ellie conversion.  So we had some heavy hitters.  We also solidified the new 3D format for additional public content, added Mega as an alternative download source for archived VR videos, and added the public VR preview archive including the raw footage of the conversions.

As a reminder, the Q2 vote was to keep the focus on the weekly videos.  So we'll continue with the multi-scene releases for at least half of the monthly releases if not more.

With the focus on the weekly videos the Jinx project is moving slowly, but making progress.  we brought in KittenVox from Redmoa's Jinx video to do the voice for ours and unsurprisingly she did an amazing job.  So now that voice is checked off the list we're moving into dialogue animation trying a few of the techniques we've found to move things along.  That'll be a big push for this month so the weekly videos will be a little lighter while we get that sorted out.

We've been prepping some 2B content, so she'll be featured this month.  We'll also be chipping away at another Flapcat release, though quite a bit of tweaking will be needed to get it set up for VR.  Time permitting we still have the stretch goal of gaming content.  I'd like to do some testing with Unreal Engine 5 and the nanite system, but we'll see how things go.   We're also working with a couple of new animators on commissioned projects to help keep things fresh and geared toward use in VR from the start.  One is working on a FF Jessie animation series for us.

That said, resources for projects are still a bit of a struggle and one of the main things holding us off from gaming content.  We had a couple of significant drops in Jan and Feb and have leveled out from there with a slight uptick last month, but to be able to cover all project expenses (animation commissions, voice actors, SFX, etc) we def need to up our numbers.  That would make it so we could afford assistance from game developers, programmers, and gaming-focused 3D generalists as well.  I met with one a couple of weeks ago but their price was outside our budget, so we weren't able to bring them in.  I'd love to hear from you guys about what we could be doing better and what content you want to see, so keep that feedback coming here, on discord, Twitter, or w/e.

Even without the extra help we still have a lot going on and have maintained the consistent release of quality content you guys have come to expect and that won't be changing anytime soon.  It mostly means that the real mind-blowing projects will take considerably longer to finish.  When I came into this community, it was with no experience with game development, character work, animation, writing, etc. but as the years tick by I have and continue to grow exponentially better at all of them.  I believe in the content, the potential of the community and in you guys so I love creating new content, giving new life to existing content, and enjoying everyone's content along with you guys.

Thanks for a great April and I hope you're looking forward to the upcoming projects as much as I am!  "Dream it, Build it, Live it!"




I will support you i love your animation ❤️