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Hey Gearheads!

There are some significant things to cover, so I'll jump right into it.

First the biggest and why the update is coming in the middle of the month, the suspension.  I'm sure some of you are worried about Patreons ever-tightening policy and ousting of adult creators with "less than vanilla" content.  This is something we've been paying very close attention to and preparing for since the first major announcement of restrictions 2 years ago.  Some of our content is borderline as well and this is the second time they've pulled the plug on us because of it.  We've been considering a multitude of alternatives to the way things are currently setup.

The current goal and one we believe will have the smallest impact on the majority of you guys will be to shift content releases to the website.  We've made a lot of progress last week on setting up access through the site using your support level.  The biggest obstacle there will be notifying you about the releases as anything not 100% Patreon approved can't be linked to through Patreon.  So to stay safe we wouldn't send out messages/post here saying hey come check out ______ and certainly wouldn't be sending preview images or gifs or the content.  Ideally, the notification would be completely separate, so we'll be running a poll to see if you guys are cool with an external mail subscription system.  One to completely replace the patreon notification system, but to not include any extra emails, since we wouldn't want to spam you.

You can check out a sample of what the new post would look like here, though we want to jazz up the graphics too.  https://vranimeted.com/patron/patreon-locking-test/
The error message popping up is the main thing holding us up at the moment.
(If you have a programming/website background and have any tips, fire away.)

Progress on the Huntress Hole is coming along nicely.  We brought in a 3D modeler to help with some of the Optimization of the scene.  Once that is done then all following major releases will take place in the full scene.  With the new VR navigation and interaction system, it should really make it fun to get around and explore.

With all the craziness going on with Patreon and all the work on the Huntress Hole we've still been able to work on a few other things.  Mainly we're working to get more voice over work done and make more contact with animators for higher quality content and more scenes to convert into VR videos.

Some of our previously established relationships have fallen off with the pandemic and that's certainly slowed down progress, but we're still pushing forward and working to make new connections in those areas as well.

All in another, we had a great month last month, pushing past previous barriers and while this month has been especially shaky, we're coming out the other side stronger for it.  Thank you guys for your continued support and as always I hope your as excited as I am about whats to come!



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