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Hey Gearheds!

These are crazy times we live in, but you can always count on waifus and lewds!

All things considered, I want to keep this one short, by focusing on a few key points and show you guys something cool while we're at it.

Production has not stopped or slowed.  Benefit of working from home.  In fact, over the next week or so I expect things to ramp up.

We've been focused on big picture and gathering up the pieces needed for larger experiences and now that we have a lot of those pieces we're going to instead focus on putting them together, so you guys actually have something to check out.

So last time you got a preview of the audio from the upcoming Raven experience.  Naysayer has spent Feb and March working on the dialogue animation for us and we have a WIP.  This one is a little further out, since we need to finish the Azula experience first, but here's a video preview of how things are coming with Raven.


We've also gotten back the voice-over for Yang's "win scene" and for her, we took a more aggressive, fire and brimstone approach.  This excerpt is from one of her sex positions beyond the initial dialogue. [YANG] 

All in all, we have enough ready content to keep things progressing for at least a couple of months.  Putting it all together though is where the difficulty comes in.  For the pieces we were able to spread them out among multiple animators, voice actresses, etc. but for putting it all together it's just me atm.  Our programmer dipped out again, for good this time so I'm still trying to find a replacement.  He did a lot more in unity besides programming, like help with setup and testing the POV releases and we'll all def. feeling his absence.  If you have any Unity experience and want to help or know someone who does that's looking for work shoot me a DM please.  I know a couple of you that do and I have or will be reaching out to you guys as well.  When we get back on track with this, things will go a lot smoother and we can work back up to more frequent Game based releases.

Thanks for another great month and stay safe out there!

**Some Cool Topical Stuff**

  • some companies are providing free manga (if you have links comment with them)
  • Soft on Demand is providing free JAV porn [LINK] (the announcement crashed their servers, but keep an eye out)
  • Pornhub is giving free premium to Italian users (good time for a VPN)



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