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Hey Gearheads!  We've got some exciting stuff happening this month and a few changes so let's jump right into it.

We might as well start with the biggest change.  As you guys know POV has been through the ringer these last few months.  We've been working on a major overall and trying to bring it to the newer version of Unity for access to new features, optimizations and graphical improvements.

After much effort and testing we've realized that the version of Unity we wanted to go to isn't stable enough for our workflow.  We'll basically need to re-tool our workflow much further back in order to make the transition.  It's something we've had on the to do list and are almost to the point were we can make the transition there as well.

The biggest change will be to the release schedule.  With all the time spent on POV we really need to refocus our efforts on the main project.  POV was originally meant to keep a steady flow of content coming to you guys, but with the tweaks and improvements along the way, it's become a beast in and of itself.

That being said we're cutting back to 1 POV release a month.  That way we can focus on quality over quantity, give us a little extra time to get the new system stabilized and time to work on other things to add more variety into the mix.  We'll still include the previous girls in the new releases, starting from this point forward.

Since POV is dropping to once monthly we still want to provide you guys with weekly content, so that's where these quickies will come in.  They'll provide us with a lot more flexibility on both character choice and what's happening.  It could be a sexy dance, a seductive teaser, some hot solo action, an mini interaction feature, etc.

We'll release these in either game and VR video format.  Though we'll try to keep a good balance between VR only and dual view content.

The first release will be from a VR Gif series we've been trying out.  We've talked before about partnering with other animators in order to bring new content to you guys and done a few test postings around the web and now we're ready to roll it out fully.  These are expanded VR versions of PC based gifs.  They serve more as appetizers, but open the door for some really cool stuff.

We're currently working with 3 animators and looking for more.  They allow for some new characters we've never dealt with before and some interesting animations.  They should also be a good addition to the updated archive we're working on for the website and discord.

With the pressure dropping down from the POV series we'll be able to finally dig back into the RWBY Trainer.  We're pushing for a mid March update on the RWBY Trainer in the Space Station.  We also have lots of ideas for improvements, but want to test a few things out before making any major announcements.

It's Raffle Time! Wooo!

Sub-Tier Raffle Winners for March will be getting access to the Feb Combo POV release.
Tier 1+ Raffle Winners will be getting their own custom date night!

Winners will be getting a message tomorrow with a link to their prize or to start the conversation for their date night character selection.

Beta Testers

It's time to make another big push for beta testers.  The last wave of testers we're great, but since life and other things can demand our attention, we could use some fresh blood among the testers.

If you'd like to be a beta tester, comment on this post, shoot me a message here or on discord and we'll get you setup on the beta tester discord channel.  We mostly need VR testers, though we can take a couple NonVR testers as well.

Polls! Polls! and More Polls!

This community has been great about providing feedback to help influence change and improvements through the life of VRA and now more than ever we need to keep the communication flow going.  

I'm finding out all sorts of things about what you guys want, who you want to see and what direction you want to see VRA go in and there will be some significant changes coming with the way things are looking in the adult indie industry in general so we'll have lots to figure out.

The polls will likely come during the week, so your not flooded with messages, but they will be crucial to the success of VRA and I thank you all ahead of time for your feedback and participation.


All in all, things have been really fun up to this point and though we've hit some crazy waves along the way, things are still constantly moving forward behind the scenes and in front and I hope your as excited as I am about what's to come!

Thank you all for the past, present and continued support!



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