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Hey Gearheads!

December has been a huge month for VRA and the lewd indie industry in general so let's get right into it.


As we push forward into another year I really want to make sure we're all on the same page.  So I'll be pushing out a bunch of polls to provide you an easy feedback method.

Feel free to go into as much detail as you want on the poll page, in discord or a direct message to me, but this should keep us on pace for a great 2019.

The POV format has been going strong and evolving little by little along the way.

We've run into some hiccups with character choices, but we've been hard at work on new and better workflows to increase our character options.

We've also seen several huge updates to the releases like player skin tone, a brand new custom built location, the return of the teasers, enhancements to the menu layout, a rebuilt loading screen, backend improvements and more.

Galactic VRA is coming along nicely.  We've been continually making backend improvements to it as well, to help things run smoother for the large size and now have 2 releases under our belt.

Each release will have new characters and features, so it'll be exciting to roll everything we've learned so far into a giant new custom built environment.

Some of the biggest recent changes have been the addition of some lighting effects for that sci-fi feel, additional performances, teleporters to get around the space station and the inclusion of the RWBY Trainer.

It's finally back and larger than ever!  The RWBY Trainer has been revived in it's own little hidden corner of the space station.

The previous releases have featured one of the 3 main setups we've been working on: Ruby Bound to the Restraint Machine, Ruby Chained to a Bed and Weiss's Tentacle Fun (which is now more like Weiss's Summoning Snafu).

In the next update the player interactions will be returning as well as more background characters.

The polls will largely be focused around the direction of the RWBY Trainer as well, to make sure we're still heading in the direction you guys want to see things go with it.

Thanks for a Great Year!

Well guys, it's been an honor and privilege to have you guys support me in this crazy journey into better porn custom tailored to our specific taste, truly making our dreams come true.  I can't thank you enough for your support and I look forward to another great year of reaching all new heights and seeing where our creativity can take us.



Since I know you guys don't necessarily keep up with the industry, I'll clue in those of you that don't know, but are curious, especially if you used Tumblr and are wondering why all your followed blogs are gone.

Yesterday Tumblr pulled the plug on porn.  They'd been shutting ppl down and blocking them for a while now, but after Apple pulled the app for a kiddie porn slip up, Verizon (who owns Tumblr by way of Yahoo) announced the beginning of the end.

There was a log out protest and petitions and whatnot, but Tumblr seems to be about pleasing the advertisers not the community, so the mass exodus to twitter will probably be the best move for now.

I've moved my attention from Tumblr to twitter as well and will be focusing on posting more there for 2019.


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