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Hey guys, many of you have had some difficulty with downloading from OneDrive. So this should help clear things up.

When you download the files located on OneDrive, click the download link immediately instead of clicking the contents.

What you see here is actually the contents of the zip drive and OneDrive has this weird glitch where it will try to repackage the contents of the zip in it's own zip and allow you to download that...which doesn't work.

There are two main giveaways that this has happened. 

One is the name will be different.  You'll have the OneDrive name instead of the actual one, which here is "POV Combo v5 p5.zip"

The other is the file size will be drastically different as OneDrive struggles to try to access and repackage the original zip.

Hopefully that clears things up for you, but if you still run into issues feel free to reach out to me here or to me/the community on the discord server.

Note: Why put you guys through this?  It's really a shame that it's come down to this.  When I first signed up with OneDrive, it was because direct downloads where possible.  There was no going to a link and clicking download, you clicked the link on the Patreon post and BAM the file started downloading, just as it would if it was actually uploaded to Patreon, which we can't do for obvious reasons.  Since the change I haven't seen an easier to use service, though Google Drive was a close second.  I'll be re-evaluating the cloud services and if I find one that's universally easier to download from I'll switch everything to it.


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