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Hey gearheads!

That's right, we've been on this journey together for 2 years now and what a wild ride it's been.  We've come a long way and have plans to takes things much further as well.  A want to thank you all for your continued interest and support and provide a quick update on our projects.


Weekly POV

  • We're now into our second month of weekly releases.
  • This is a big improvement from the point in time where we we're too overwhelmed to maintain a weekly schedule while working on both larger and smaller projects simultaneously.
  • Now we have multiple people working on different parts of different projects, so time is being managed a lot better.

Space Station

  • We've made great leaps and bounds on the space station.
  • It's gone from a pre-made modular multi room setup to a completely built from scratch multi-layer environment.
  • You've gotten a sneak peek at the new bedroom scene and will soon get to see the new station in all it's glory.
  • It'll take a while to fully build it up, but you guys will get to help with that process making it a truly community driven project

RWBY Trainer / VRA Theatre

  • Both of these are rolling into the space station to make it easier for everyone to access content.
  • The goal being to have one place to manage instead of several different releases and for content to continually build for which we've also been working on optimization
  • The VRA Theatre requires some additional tweaking to build out the stage and lots of work for the lighting plans.
  • Multiple animations have been generated for the RWBY Trainer and we'll continue to convert them into VR video previews while we work on integrating them into the space station


Aside from the main projects we've been working to improve things all across the board.  We've been working on more streamlined animations with better physics.  We've been exploring 3D modeling to increase our overall character catalog as well as massively improve interaction and graphics.  We've also been working on much much more, like AI systems,   better lip syncing, character story lines, character voice variations, etc.

Stay tuned gearheads! Our third year is shaping up to be an extremely exciting one.
