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Hey gearheads!

We've been working diligently on multiple different fronts, gearing up for some big changes to current and future released.


With the help of the betas we've set a new baseline for the POV experiences moving forward.  The breakdown of the features are on the post prior to this one, but the main features are all releases will be combo based going forward, building from 1 character at the start of the month up to 4/5 at the end.  The character also makes eye contact with you between waves of pleasure, the voice customization system is in full force and the foundation has been optimized by 5x the previous builds.  Barring anything crazy happening these should be scheduled for weekly releases to keep a steady content flow, now thanks to our programmer Celo stepping up to the plate.

Location Enhancements

We've also been working on the new environments.  We've run into a few snafus here and there getting it integrated into the latest and greatest Unity has to offer, but we've gotten it setup on 3 different versions to make sure at least one will be usable.  A preview of the new master quarters has been released and WIP shots of the space station will be coming out soon as well.  I'll be taking your direct input here, on discord and in polls for feedback on flushing it out.

RWBY Trainer

The RWBY Trainer is still set for transition from the self contained release to the space station in one of the themed outer ring spots.  Once it's in place there will be voting for the next theme to start on.  In the mean time several new animations have been put together for the trainer and I'm sure you guys are really gonna dig them.  You've already seen one with Ruby playing with the giant dong.

Animation and AI

We're still looking for new animators to work with and testing a couple new ones out to fill in some gaps in the currently planned animations.  We're really pushing for higher levels of immersion and this is a large step in that direction.  The new AI system should be pretty cool and I can't wait to preview it for you guys.  Once we really get going on it, it'll just keep getting better and better like everything else.

This is going to be a really exciting summer for all of us and I'm glad to have you all along for the ride.  Thanks for the continued support and please keep the feedback coming as I'd like you all to feel a sense of ownership over the content being created.



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