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Hey gearheads!

This new project is coming along nicely.  Now Pyrrha's been added to the mix.  You can swap between her and Izumi and you can remove both their tops if you so choose.  I've also added in the sex audio, though the lip syncing still needs to be done.

As far as the RWBY trainer goes, we've moved closer to getting a VR video preview of the new animation, but run into a few issues with getting it ported into Unity.  We'll get it sorted out though and if needed have an alternate means of adding it in, which may actually result in a higher quality version.

While prepping the lip sync for this current "change of pace" project, there is still time to get your votes in for the other 3 characters to be featured in this version.  You can comment here or on the discord request channel.





Very nice. Models aside, the bike is pretty awesomely detailed :) Question though. Is there something I have to do to go into "manual movement mode"? I was pressing WASD, but there was no response. I lifted the Vive so I could see my LCD, clicked the scene to ensure it had focus but still no dice. Same issue with the Kurumi POV you posted recently. I was thinking maybe it was something with my PC so I fired up the Pyrrha POV and I can move fine.


PS - Also, you should have a button at the very least to "escape" the "captive view" that is fixed to the male model. Being moved automatically like that is a puke machine, lol


First release was to test out a scene where your player moves around a bit, to make sure there we're tons of complaints about motion sickness as well as a POV release with clothing toggles. The second release (this one) was to add some character selection where you can change out the female character. The next release will add a 3rd person mode and fix the 2nd position adjustment when you change girls.


Lol, if only it was that easy. Basically I had to duplicate the characters and everything associated with them to give you guys the option to choose another girl. In order to add this "escape" option, I'll have to double the workload again. So double the workload with 1 character, quadruple with 2 characters and sextuple with the release for this weekend, which may be the stopping point if my programmer doesn't find a more efficient way for us to do this. Otherwise, its the same load on the computer as 6 girls, but only 3 actual selections.