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Hey gearheads!

Things have been pretty hardcore with the RWBY trainer this month, hints the late update.  We ran into a snag with implementing controller support for the system, but hopefully you got a pretty good taste with the interactive keyboard controls.  We're looking into alternative methods and have tried a few including a complete rebuild of the system.  On a positive note we got Weiss back up and working so we can integrate her into the new stuff or continue updating the rebuild to get it caught up, whichever turns out to be faster.

The journey continues on mobile VR.  Since last night I've been rendering out the new scene for mobile.  This time it's the cowgirl template with Izumi.  Once this one pans out then we can start using other characters for POV sex videos.  These will at least initially be more of a one hitter, than a full series.  The main reason behind that is render times.   This cowgirl scene will take an estimated 84 hours to render the images.  Then the images need to be rendered out into a video, which is another half a day.  By spreading the first phase across 2-4 computers I can drop the render time down considerably.  it still takes some babysitting and massaging, since I don't have a proper render farm setup, but hopefully it'll just take 2-3 days to complete the video.  While this bring true VR to many of you without an oculus, Vive or OSVR headset, I would like to keep the unity version going as well.  Since it works for the higher end equipment, it makes sense to have it as a higher end experience, though I'll keep the NonVR versions going as well.


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