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Hi everyone,

I'm making some significant changes to my publication schedule, and I wanted to let you all know well in advance of month-end so that you can make an informed decision about your subscription and support. 

In short, going forward my writing output is going to be significantly reduced, and will definitely not be every two weeks like it has been for the past year and a half. This is for a number of reasons. Mainly, my IRL workload has been steadily increasing as COVID restrictions have eased, which has made sticking to my output schedule more and more difficult. 

I originally began writing as a passion project during lockdown, doing so both because I enjoyed it, and also to supplement my income as finances became tighter during the pandemic. Now that things have picked up again, I've found myself feeling stressed about publication day here instead of looking forward to it as I used to. And, since I'm in a more stable financial situation now, I think this is the best move for my overall well-being. When I first began this project, I told myself that if it ever stopped being fun, I'd slow down and cut back. And so, that's what I'm doing now.

What this means going forward: 

I've published one new chapter this month, so I'll publish at least one more new chapter in October to stick to my twice per month schedule this last time. Starting next month, however, new content will be significantly less frequent. 

I'll still post here first for my Patrons, two months before I post anywhere else, but there won't be a set schedule for when new content will come out. I'll be writing when I feel like it, so there may be months where no content at all comes out as well as months where multiple chapters may be published.

I plan to leave my Patreon active, both in case I decide to go back to a stricter schedule at some point in the future, and so that people can continue to show support for my work if they wish as I continue to put out new content. The Discord server will stay up, and I plan to continue actively participating in the conversation there. 

I fully expect to lose some patrons as a result of this decision. I understand that everyone's financial situation is different, especially when it comes to the amount they have available to support content creators.

Either way, thanks to all of you for your support over the past year and a half - you've all been awesome, and it's been my pleasure and privilege to share my stories with you. 



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