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Season's Greetings everyone,

I hope this message finds you all well. I wanted to let you know about a small change that I'll be making to the payment schedule. At the beginning of January, I will switch from charging at the end of the month to charging at the beginning of the month instead. 

What this will look like, is one charge at the beginning of January for the month of December, and another charge very soon after for the month of January. It might appear that you're being double-charged, but this is due to paying for the end of December and the beginning of January around the same time.

I like to be transparent when making decisions like this that affect you guys, so I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know why I'll be making this change. First, a few patrons have let me know that they prefer to resubscribe at different times each month, but can't due to the way the current end-of-the-month system works. The second reason is that I've had significant trouble with people temporarily signing up during multiple months, but then leaving before paying each time, after they've gotten the early access content for free, which isn't fair to you guys.

Originally I liked the idea of paying for the first month only after experiencing what you'd be paying for, but at this point, the end-of-the-month system has been more trouble than it's worth, and I think this switch will make things simpler. And, I figured the beginning of the year would be the perfect time to make a change like this.

Thanks for understanding, thanks for being awesome, and I'll see you all again in a few days, with chapter 1 of a brand new story!

Wishing you a safe and happy winter holidays,




Thank you for your transparency! Looking forward to your new story!

Devi Lacroix

As someone who uses Patreon as both a supporter and a creator, I definitely prefer beginning-of-month payment, too. I hate to join a Patreon and realize that I'm not going to support them for long, only to be stuck in the position of waiting until the end of the month to leave, so that the creator gets some money... or leaving, and looking like I just joined to download PDFs.