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LifeSim: Breeding Expansion

by Fidget

Chapter 6

"You didn't!" Kenneth accused the knocked-up Latina, and Isabel just blushed and looked away guiltily.

"Well she clearly didn't do it all by herself!" Becca said, watching with an amused smile as her beloved husband yet again confronted the consequences of his reckless promiscuity. "I told you you'd have fun, didn't I, Isabel?"

"Yes, Becca, you did, and you were absolutely right." She squirmed a bit as she remembered just how good it had felt when Kenny had lost control and filled her up with his cum.

"Kenneth has quite a way with women,” Becca continued, shivering with arousal herself at the thought of her hubby carelessly knocking up his coworker like this. “And he's very... potent."

"I'm certainly proof of that!" Isabel laughed gaily as she rubbed her swollen abdomen, deliriously happy at the thought of carrying her married lover’s progeny. It occurred to her that she was still clearly under the influence of Kenneth’s irresistible masculine charisma, but it felt so good that she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Meanwhile, Becca was trying to resist a growing urge to masturbate as she chatted about her husband’s virility with yet another future mother of his children. "Oh, I can see that, dear. And from the way he was looking at me a few minutes ago, I think I'll be joining you again shortly.” She walked over and warmly placed her hands on Isabel’s belly, remembering how good it felt to be pregnant with Kenneth’s child as she watched Isabel’s face flush with a combination of pregnancy hormones and happiness. “I don’t know what it is, but I've just been feeling so fertile and feminine nowadays, like my body is just going to insist on getting knocked up the next time Kenny gets the urge to fill me up with that monster.”

As Kenneth watched his coworker commiserate about her impregnation with his sexy wife, who was herself somehow already postpartum after Kenneth had knocked her up only a few days before, Kenneth was again bombarded by that familiar sense of unreality at the circumstances he found himself in. And, with Kenneth even now only barely able to contain his urge to let his cock plump his wife up again, it felt like his life was spiraling out of his control, especially now that Isabel had essentially patched his exploit of only having sex with Becca.

But, now that his wife was openly expressing confusion at the events of the past few days, Kenneth was reminded of how he had promised Isabel to come clean to Becca about the program. If anyone deserved to know what was happening to them, it was Becca, and Kenneth kicked himself mentally for not immediately going to her in the first place. He had just been so ashamed at having let himself cheat on Becca with Linda, but that was no excuse for his dishonesty, and the situation had only gotten worse from there. Now that he’d already fertilized four different women, and it seemed likely that he’d continue to carelessly pump his genes into countless other willing, receptive pussies as soon as the opportunity presented itself, it was long past time for some honesty.

He told Isabel to gather her things and wait for them in the front hall for a few minutes, knowing that she’d be unable to resist a direct command, and took Becca into the office to show her the program.

He could only hope that Becca would have some idea about how they could work together to get out of this mess, and, more importantly, that she could find it within herself to forgive him.

"Oh, Kenny, I’m so happy for you! Everything makes so much more sense now!" Becca exclaimed a few minutes later once he’d finished his explanation, wrapping the new curves of her milfy figure around his torso in a dangerously affectionate hug.

“Wait, you’re happy about this?! You should be angry with me!” Kenneth was torn between shock, and a growing desire to fill Becca’s fertile body with cum now, and talk later. He told himself that he could knock her up again anytime he wanted, so there was no need to rush things. His cock still seemed to think that it was really important that he dump a load into her pussy for some reason, but Kenneth found that the urge was manageable for the moment.

"From what you’ve told me it doesn't really matter whether I’m ok with it or not, but it makes me happy to see you enjoying yourself, and I can’t deny that I’m getting off on watching you ‘spread the love’ to other women like this." She squeezed him a bit tighter as arousal coursed through her body at the mention of that phrase, but then she looked up thoughtfully, the expression sharing her face with that ever-present gaze of lovestruck infatuation.

“It is kind of odd to know that I’m being made to feel this way, but that doesn’t make the feeling any less real. I could definitely tell that something weird was going on, and I know all of the other women can too – it's just that you’re so perfect and manly and we all want to fuck you so badly that we don't question it."

"But that’s only because you can't help but enjoy it, and it's my fault!"

"You already said that you didn't know the game was real, and that you had no way of knowing what my trait would do. Plus, I'm really enjoying it. All of it! I love how perfect and irresistible you are, I love how fertile and feminine my body is, and I love how easily that thick, manly meatrod of yours can force me to plump up with your offspring. And, thanks to LifeSim, I can’t help but love watching you knock up other girls too! Honey, I don't want it to stop."

That stopped Kenneth in his tracks - it had never occurred to him that Becca might actually want things to stay this way.

“But what about the other women?” he asked plaintively. “It’s not right to continue to do this to them without their knowledge or consent! Isabel didn’t even want kids before entering the neighborhood, and now she’s pregnant! Thanks to me!”

“Kenneth, I guarantee you that every woman in here, Isabel included, is enjoying this just as much as we are.”

“That may be true, but just like you they don’t have a choice in the matter, and if they’re anything like me, they stop ‘enjoying’ it as soon as they leave the subdivision. In fact…” he began, but just at that moment Isabel had the audacity to let herself back into the office. She’d clearly chosen to take his command to “wait a few minutes” literally.

“Oh boo, I was hoping to catch you two getting reproductive in here.” His eyes involuntarily flicked down to Becca’s thigh gap at Isabel’s insinuation, feeling the urge growing in his loins to do just that. But, never again. Not to Becca. At least, not without first letting her feel like herself again.

“Kenneth showed me his computer program!” Becca gushed. “I was just telling him how much I love how it makes me feel.”

“I know! At first I tried to resist, but it feels sooo good to just give in and let Kenny knock you up with that manly cock of his.”

"If you two are finished, it's time to take Isabel back to work," Kenneth said flatly, still having to fight to resist his desire to bend his wife over the desk and fuck her pregnant again just as he had Isabel only minutes before. Now that Becca’s womb was empty, his Wild Oats trait was kicking his libido into overdrive, and the glow of fresh motherhood was somehow making his wife's sexy body even harder to resist than it had been the first time he had knocked her up.

Thanks for that, Isabel.

"Oh don't be such a grouch," Becca needled, meeting his sour-yet-horny expression with her own loving, longsuffering glance. "If you didn't love jizzing in our soft, fertile bodies so much, you wouldn't be in this situation. Not that any of us women mind, of course." She winked at Isabel.

Kenneth ignored her and took charge of the situation. “Becca, you’re coming with me to take Isabel back, so you can feel what it’s like to leave the neighborhood. Call Kelly and ask her to come over to babysit while we’re gone, but make sure she arrives after we leave, and leaves before we get back.”

As much as she didn’t want to leave, Becca couldn’t resist a direct order from her charismatic husband, and once Kelly heard that the request was from Kenneth, she was more than eager to help out. A few minutes later, the threesome were in the car.

"Isabel, I can't believe you used my reward like that! And used it to make it harder for me to resist impregnating more women, of all things!" Kenneth said as they headed toward the entrance to the neighborhood. “And then you hit fast-forward on top of it all!"

"I know, and I really am sorry, but I really needed you to fuck me, and once LifeSim told me that I was pregnant, fast-forwarding was the only way I could force my other self to stay that way!" Isabel insisted. “But, I was looking through some help files, and it turns out you don’t have to worry about anyone noticing any sudden pregnancies – apparently the fast-forward button’s effects won’t be noticed by anyone, even if they’re outside the neighborhood. So, even though people might be surprised to see that I got pregnant at all, they won’t be any more suspicious about how it happened than they’d normally be. Heck, I still have a hard time remembering that you only knocked me up a few minutes ago!”

Just then, they passed the entrance of the subdivision and everyone’s head cleared. Becca and Isabel were suddenly free of their infatuation with Kenneth, and his impulsiveness and impregnation fetish disappeared in an instant.

Kenneth and Becca looked at each other with embarrassment while Isabel stared down in horror and disbelief at her abdomen, which was unmistakably swelling with the results of the frantic, ill-advised mating she herself had orchestrated not a half hour before. Even if she couldn't feel any of it now, Isabel could clearly remember her overpowering urge to make Kenneth lose control inside of her, followed by her need to keep the pregnancy, and she fell silent.

Becca too felt as though someone had dumped a bucket of ice-cold water over her libido. She still loved her husband, of course, but she no longer felt that wonderful obsession with him, or her overpowering need to see Kenneth spreading the love to other women. All of that was just… gone, leaving her to deal with the repercussions, as well as the sudden, intense jealousy she felt to see Isabel pregnant with her husband’s child.

Still, she knew that it wasn’t Kenneth’s fault, not really, and getting mad at him wouldn’t solve anything. “Oh you poor dear,” was all she could say to Isabel, and they drove the remainder of the way to Isabel’s car in silence.

On the way home, however, Kenneth and Becca brainstormed ways to work around LifeSim’s influence.

“I could drop you off at a hotel,” Kenneth suggested, “so that you don’t have to go back into the neighborhood at all.”

Becca immediately protested. “I can’t just leave like that!”

“I’ll get Kelly to take over for you at home. She can take care of two just as easily as one.”

“That’s not fair to Kelly, especially when she’s not really in control of herself. Plus, even though I know intellectually that it was only a couple of days, I still feel like I was pregnant for nine months, and I couldn’t bear the thought of just leaving. We’ll figure something out.” She reached over to grab his hand. “I’ll do whatever I can to help. We’ll beat this thing together.”

Just at that moment, however, they crossed back into the neighborhood.

Becca braced herself and held her breath, but immediately let it all out again in a low moan as the addictive rush of her infatuation with her perfect man washed over her again, and when Kenneth looked over to check on her, he couldn’t help but think about how hot it would be to fill her trim, feminine abdomen with his seed.

“Becca, are you ok?”

“Yes, lover, I’m much better than ok, especially now that I’m back in here with you! Oh Honey, it’s so wonderful to feel like this - promise you won’t make me leave again!”

“But you just said that you were going to help me!”

“I am going to help you! I just want to do it from in here, where I can really appreciate how, mmm, nice it feels to do things for you.”

Kenneth’s response was cut short as he turned into his driveway and noticed Kelly and her mom Allison chatting by their mailbox, clearly waiting to ambush him. Kenneth made a mental note that, just as Isabel had, Kelly had technically followed his command to go home to the letter. He’d have to keep that behavior in mind going forward.

Either way, now that he’d re-entered LifeSim’s sphere of influence, Kenneth knew that he wasn’t ready to resist the call of Kelly’s freshly slimmed body again, or her mom’s for that matter, and so as soon as the car was stopped he got out and made for the front door as quickly as he felt was socially acceptable, knowing that the besotted mother-daughter combo would be close behind.

Unexpectedly, he felt a small, soft hand grab his arm. He spun around to find Becca wrapping herself around him and obstructing his retreat, her cheeks bright pink with arousal.

“Kenny, wait! I think Kelly and her mom want to speak with you!” Kenneth knew that he should get away, but Becca’s body felt so good against his that he hesitated for a fatal second, and then Kelly and Allison were invading his space as well.

Kelly had become a much curvier, more mature twenty-year-old than she had been just a few days prior, thanks to Isabel fast-forwarding past her pregnancy, and the trim abdomen above her widened birthing hips was dangerously turning Kenneth on again.

Even worse, he knew that Becca had slowed him down on purpose. How could she betray him like this, so soon after she’d promised to help him fix things, and especially after what had happened earlier that day with Isabel? Plus, after having just mentioned not wanting to take advantage of Kelly, Becca had all but ensured that Kenneth would impregnate the poor girl yet again for the sole reason of getting off on watching him do so. Kenneth had been so optimistic about working together with Becca to fix his predicament, but now that his wife was already trying to get him to knock up more women, Kenneth found himself feeling surprisingly deflated despite his arousal.

Unaware of her husband’s distress – or unbothered by it – Becca looked the mother and daughter up and down approvingly.

“You two look amazing, almost like twins!”

The last thing Kenneth needed was Becca pointing that out, but now that she had, he couldn’t help but notice how Kelly’s first pregnancy had caused her petite figure to fill out into a shocking imitation of her milfy mother. From the way their nearly-identical pairs of large breasts swelled under their tight tank tops, to the way their hips flared from their tapered torsos, the two women were the picture of fertile motherhood, and Kenneth knew that exploring their bodies would feel fantastic.

Just like exploring Isabel’s did just a little while ago, he reminded himself, growing even more despondent at what he’d allowed himself to do to one of his best friends. And the fact that the memory of doing so just made his cock harder increased his fatalism.

“Thanks Becca!” Allison gushed in response to her compliment. “We’re out and ready to mingle again now that Kelly’s finally a mom!” She winked knowingly at Kenneth as mother and daughter continued their advance, flaunting their willing bodies, and Kenneth was finding it more and more difficult to continue his retreat. What’s the use, he thought to himself. It wasn’t like he would be able to avoid impregnating more women now anyway with what Isabel had done to him. Might as well start with these two.

Becca prodded even further, helpless to resist her own compulsion to egg on the horny trio. “You definitely should! It’s the perfect time to go find a guy and make some bad decisions!”

Now that Kenneth had told her about LifeSim, Becca was fully aware that her behavior was due to the program’s influence, of course, but she just couldn’t help herself. As guilty as Becca felt about immediately going back on her promise to help Kenneth, she was back inside the neighborhood now, and her guilt suddenly seemed so insignificant compared to the incessant drive deep inside her to help Kenneth spread the love – and his genes – as far as possible. And she knew that with just a bit more pushing she’d get what she craved: a front-row seat to her virile husband filling his sexy neighbors with his seed. She couldn’t wait.

Kelly laughed. “If it was with the right guy, I certainly wouldn’t turn it down!” By this point the infatuated mother-daughter pair had latched themselves onto Kenneth’s arms, and there was nothing to stop his musk and natural charisma from having its full effect on them, flooding the women with sex hormones that soon had them rubbing their soft curves against him encouragingly. Their reproductive urges were shifting into overdrive, filling their thoughts with appealing images of getting lucky with this hunky, virile male, and if their bodies happened to get fertilized by Kenneth’s cum in the process, well, so much the better. In their current state they couldn’t think of a more perfect set of genes for their offspring to carry anyway.

In the meantime, Kenneth was once again overwhelmed by the addicting feeling of being the center of attention in a group of beautiful, enthralled women. It was so tempting to just stay there between the three of them, feeling their slender forms pressed against his chest and watching the delight sparkling in their eyes as they looked at him. But he also knew how dangerous that temptation was, because even though the pleasure they were all feeling seemed natural and innocent, his attraction to the three women was entirely due to his powerful sexual desire for their bodies, and part of the appeal of standing here and basking in their flirtatious attention was the ever-increasing likelihood of sexual intercourse with them.

But in this neighborhood, sex inevitably meant pregnancy. And, unfortunately, as Kenneth wrapped his arms around the slim, feminine torsos of the three fertile women, the thought of filling their wombs with his Wild Oats and watching them all plump up together was making him hornier and hornier.

“Unggh,” Kenneth groaned in need and desperation. By this point his two milfy neighbors had given up all pretense, and had begun rubbing their juicy mommy tits against his arms and chest, and Kenneth suddenly found that he didn’t want to resist any longer. What use was there, when his best friend and even his wife were actively sabotaging his efforts to be good? It didn’t help that his two neighbors clearly wanted him to take advantage of them.

So, Kenneth caved to the temptation. He began actively groping their boobs, stoking his own attraction to their feminine bodies, and Kelly whimpered with need as the pressure of his hand around her heavy, sensitive breast made it give way, soaking both the front of her top and Kenneth’s hand with her milk. Kenneth jerked away in surprise, but then found himself staring lustfully at the twenty-year-old’s stiff, hormone-swollen nipple standing out through the translucent material of her wet tank top. He couldn’t help but think about how easy it would be to make sure her breasts stayed plumped up and producing.

The three women were now actively dragging Kenneth toward the house, and he went along in a daze of arousal. Becca extricated herself to open the door and then unnecessarily invited the duo in, already sticking a hand down her pants as her physical excitement at what was about to happen got the better of her.

Once they were inside Kenneth had taken the lead, and he practically dragged his two willing mates into the bedroom, throwing them down onto the bed as they began to peel off their clothes. Becca followed, forgotten but already panting as she teased and massaged her swollen clit. "I'll be over here," she said happily, and sat herself down on a chair in the corner by the door to watch.

She pulled down her own pants to give herself better access to her increasingly needy pussy, and then took a second to appreciate just how effective her own programming was at driving her arousal through the roof as she enjoyed her view of the affairs she’d manufactured. She still recognized that she should feel guilty about what she’d done to Kenneth, but it all felt so good and so right and so irresistible that she could only be thankful for the pleasure LifeSim was rewarding her with for her part in the charade.

Kelly and Allison ignored Becca entirely; the two enraptured moms were completely focused on their goal of getting Kenneth inside them, Kelly for the second time.

Allison had had to put up with with her daughter’s constant giddy happiness as her petite body swelled with Kenneth’s seed, her growing belly acting as an ever-present reminder that she had been the one to experience the potent masculinity of Allison’s crush first-hand. And, even though Allison was happy for her daughter, now that she was so close to getting what she’d been craving for days she was utterly shameless in her pursuit of her own intercourse with Kenneth. As soon as the forty-year-old grandmother was naked, she had immediately begun working on freeing Kenneth’s cock from his pants so he could stuff her with it as soon as possible.

Kelly understood her mother’s haste, having experienced that same overpowering need to feel Kenneth’s cock pumping between her legs immediately upon meeting him just a few days before. This time, however, even though her sexual attraction to Kenneth was just as irresistible, the new mom wanted to savor the experience, and so she took her time removing her clothes and patiently seated her nude form next to Allison’s on the bed, her stillness contrasting sharply with her mother’s frantic motions despite the close resemblance of their naked bodies.

Allison finally freed Kenneth’s cock, gasping at its perfection before wrapping her hand around it and starting to stroke. She moaned softly at the contact and began muttering to herself, “God it feels so good. It’s finally my turn. It’s not fair that Kelly has all the fun…”

Kelly sympathized with her mom’s wanton behavior – she was just as turned on as Allison was, after all – but it was still embarrassing to be confronted with the uncomfortable reality of her own mother’s sexuality as she watched her mom slide Kenneth’s stiff cock into her mouth and begin to bob her head up and down. It occurred to Kelly that this was likely the sort of behavior that had led to her own accidental conception twenty years before. Even worse, if her mom was still fertile, it was looking increasingly likely that she might be about to witness a similar accident with the way things were going, especially given Kenneth’s potency.

Kelly had often wondered how her mom could have been so careless all those years ago, and had promised herself that she would never let something like that happen to her. Now that she was an adult, however, saddled with those same powerful reproductive impulses, Kelly had found it all too easy to lose control of herself and let her fertile young body be impregnated just like her mom had. And, with Kenneth’s cock out in the air again, Kelly was feeling that same tempting breeding instinct asserting itself once more. She scooted up next to Allison, flinching as the bare skin of her thigh and shoulder brushed up against the naked body of the woman who had conceived her, and then Kelly joined her mom in pleasuring Kenneth’s cock.

Allison was so focused on how badly she wanted Kenneth that she wasn’t at all bothered by her daughter’s presence, and so the pair stroked and licked and sucked Kenneth’s stiff rod together, their tongues intertwining as they begged him to take advantage of them.

As bothered as Kenneth was by the events of the day, his body’s impulses were still fully under the control of LifeSim, and his rock-hard cock was growing more and more eager to inseminate the two beautiful women on the bed in front of him as they continued to worship his shaft. Their slim abdomens and soaked snatches called out to him, flooding him with that powerful, impulsive need to throw caution to the wind and bury himself in their inviting softness, regardless of the consequences. Kenneth cursed himself for his weakness one final time and gave in, impulsively letting his arousal take full control of his actions.

“You want it?” he asked roughly.

“YES!” A chorus of three fertile feminine voices chimed.

“Fine! Take it then!”

From her position in the corner, three fingers shoved into her cunt as her other hand went to town on her clit, Becca moaned in triumph as her virile husband finally pressed an ecstatic Allison down onto the bed and mounted her, shoving his cock deep into her waiting vagina as the busty milf screamed encouragement.

Kenneth’s cock throbbed at the intense stimulation of Allison’s slick reproductive tract, and he enjoyed a few deep, satisfying strokes before the call of Kelly’s pussy got the better of him and he switched from mother to daughter, using the leverage of Kelly’s spread legs to fully thrust himself home.

With the two women side-by-side on the bed like this it was almost like fucking sisters, a slightly older and younger version of the same person. The main differences between the two were that Kelly’s skin glowed with more youthful elasticity, and her breasts and areolas were rounder and veiny, bulging with the new mommy hormones coursing through her body. A thin, intermittent burst of milk streamed down her sides as her full tits bounced with each thrust.

Kelly stared up at Kenneth with deep intensity as he fucked her – her naive innocence of a few days ago had been replaced with first-hand experience of the consequences of acting on her sexual impulses like this, but even so she found herself silently urging Kenneth to lose control inside her and do it to her again.

Still, Kenneth noticed that he was much more strongly drawn to Allison, and spent more time inside her snatch than Kelly’s; it seemed that even though he still felt a need to knock them both up, “Wild Oats” did mean that he’d feel a stronger desire for partners that were completely new to him. Great.

He knew he should be mustering some sort of resistance, but trying just seemed so useless – being inside sexy women like this felt too good, and he’d inevitably cum and knock them up both anyway, so why try to resist the urge?

So, Kenneth continued medicating his depression with mindless, meaningless sex, though he knew that it wouldn’t be meaningless for the women once he came. He took a second to glance over at Becca on her chair in the corner. She met his eyes with a wide-eyed stare of wanton abandon, and her hand increased its pace between her spread legs.

This deep in his id Kenneth wanted to fuck Becca too, of course, but she seemed content to sit in the corner and watch, and she was too far from the other women for Kenneth to grab her and add her to the rotation easily. Plus, in the back of his mind he recalled that he could knock Becca up again whenever he wanted to, so he switched his attention back to the two women currently writhing in pleasure beneath him, letting them drive him closer and closer to release as his “Wild Oats” compulsion continued to pound in his head.

For Kelly, feeling Kenneth’s cock shoved up her sensitive vagina was just as perfect as she remembered it. She was designed to be filled up like this; it was destiny. She smiled over at Allison as Kenneth switched back, watching her mom’s eyes roll back in her head from the perfect pleasure of getting railed by Kenneth’s perfect cock. "See Mom, I told you he felt amazing!"

“Mmm, you were right baby!” Allison had finally gotten what she wanted: feeling Kenneth’s powerful arms locked around her torso as her body bounced to his rhythm. It was everything she thought it would be and more, but even so it wasn’t enough. She found that she wanted more, needed Kenneth to keep going. It didn’t occur to her that what her body really craved was the life-giving semen that her charismatic lover would soon ejaculate into her womb.

As Kenneth neared release and swapped back to Kelly, through the haze of his lust he thought about how strange it was to hear a mother and her daughter casually discussing how good his cock felt while he was actively fucking them, but that only made the experience all the more arousing. He made the mistake of realizing that he was about to knock both women up, two generations of the same family, sharing the same genes, and the thought of his cum forcing their nearly-identical bodies to swell up with his seed together was more than he could take.

He felt himself tipping over the edge and moaned in resignation, and Kelly, completely focused on her lover’s pleasure, immediately noticed the telltale swelling of his cock inside her tight canal.

"Oh God Mom, here it comes! I can feel it! He's gonna do it to me again! He's gonna do it to us!"

“Go on, Kenny, give it to my girl! Give her what she needs, but be sure to save some for Momma!”

Becca suddenly piped up from her chair in the corner, where the chaos she’d wrought had brought her right up to the edge as her own compulsion burned relentlessly inside her. “Oh God, Kenny, yes, do it to them! I’m so close! Finish the job, spread the love!” The thought of her trigger phrase was too much for Becca, and she cried out and doubled over in pleasure as she came to the sight of her beloved husband losing control deep inside his fertile neighbors.

The unanimous encouragement from the three hotties sealed the deal, and so Kenneth embraced the orgasmic urge bubbling up inside him as LifeSim’s programming continued to pound in his head, demanding that he fill Kelly’s dangerously receptive postpartum pussy with his essence. He was going to spread his Wild Oats again. He was going to knock up Kelly for a second time, and then he was going to knock up Kelly’s mom, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Kenneth’s cock jerked, involuntarily spurting millions of his sperm deep into the 20-year-old mother’s fresh reproductive tract. Kelly grinned up at him, ecstatic that she’d successfully used her body to bring Kenny the ultimate pleasure for a second time. And, from the sudden wave of receptive femininity coursing through her, she somehow knew that he’d done it to her again too. Her young body was far too eager to pass on her genes, and she could tell that the warmth spreading into her most intimate depths would soon have her swelling once more.

Kenneth’s cock jerked again, sending another powerful spurt into Kelly to make sure she was good and knocked up. He knew that it was already too late, of course – even though Kelly had already mixed her DNA with his once before, Kenneth had carelessly filled her womb with a fresh set of his genetic information anyway, and under LifeSim’s influence Kelly’s fertile young body was entirely unable to resist merging Kenneth’s and her own cute features as many times as he let her.

Of course, also thanks to LifeSim, Kenneth now found this idea incredibly arousing.

Even so, he instantly lost interest in his younger neighbor’s slit now that it was thoroughly cream-filled, and so Kenneth found himself instinctively burying his cock up to the hilt in Allison just in time for it to jerk again, sending an equally potent dose of his baby batter deep into Kelly’s mother. The overwhelming pleasure of sowing his seed in a second fertile field like this blanked Kenneth’s mind, forcing him into satori and mercifully freeing him for a time from his attachment to the guilt he felt for his actions.

Allison, on the other hand, embraced the attachment her pregnable body had formed with Kenneth’s, and she let out a deep, mature moan of primal satisfaction. Even though the sexy milf had just turned forty (or twenty-nine again as she told her friends), her womb had a few years’ worth of reproductive potential left in it, and so LifeSim’s enforced fertility ensured that her body too would yield before Kenneth’s genetic onslaught.

Kenneth’s cock jerked again, knocking him out of enlightenment and back into the painful awareness that the semen surging out of his cock was guaranteed to impregnate both of these poor, brainwashed women. As his balls emptied, however, his mind once again filled with that irresistible, damnable happiness that his Boinkboink life goal triggered each time he successfully had sex. Goddammit game, I don’t want to feel good – I want to feel guilty!

LifeSim didn’t seem to care, and Kenneth was forced to enjoy his good mood, forced to enjoy his cock jerking again as Allison sensuously wrapped her naked legs around his back and pulled him even deeper into her unprotected body. Kenneth continued draining his balls into Allison’s baby-maker, reinvigorated by the arousing realization that Kelly would soon have a new sibling – one that would share half of its genes with Allison, just as Kelly did, but would share the other half with the man who had just finished impregnating her for the second time.

This time Kelly wouldn’t have to undergo her pregnancy alone, either. Thanks to the remarkably similar genetic recombinations currently taking place deep inside both Allison and her daughter, this time they would share the experience of swelling into nearly-identical baby-mamas for Kenneth’s offspring. And, with how much Kelly already resembled her mother, Kenneth was looking forward to seeing them both growing big bellies like a pair of sexy sisters who had impulsively made a pact to get themselves knocked up together.

Kenneth had finally come down from his orgasm, and now that the deed was done, he found himself quickly losing interest in his two inseminated lovers. The freshly fucked duo was still infatuated with him, of course, and wanted to stay and play with his recovering dick, but Kenneth found that Becca was suddenly taking up more and more of his attention, and so he shooed the twosome out into a future filled with swollen bellies and bulging, leaky tits so that he could confront Becca about what had happened.

He turned to find his wife still seated in her corner, panting with exhaustion after the most intense, satisfying orgasm she’d ever experienced. Her legs were spread lazily to show off her fertile pussy, glistening and raw from her exertions, and even though Kenneth had cum literally seconds before, the wanton sexuality still present in his wife’s afterglow quickly convinced his cock to begin stiffening again.

Still, in spite of the way she’d betrayed him, thanks to his damnable good mood Kenneth couldn’t help but be optimistic that they could solve this problem together. He knew that this time it wouldn’t be so easy – Isabel had effectively patched his exploit, and so if he wanted to undo his traits now, he’d likely have to fuck new, unimpregnated women to do so. Not like I can resist that anyway, he thought with an unsettling mix of resignation and eagerness. Still, now that he was once more on the long road toward earning a minor trait, he just needed to keep pressing forward, starting with a frank discussion with his wife.

“Becca, I can’t believe you did that to me. Or to those poor women.”

“Kenny, I can’t not do that to you! It’s so hot!” Becca found herself sliding a finger up her oversensitive labia again at the memory of what had just happened. She already couldn’t wait to set Kenneth up with some of the other sexy ladies in the neighborhood.

Kenneth would normally have been shocked to see his wife masturbating in front of him like this, but after the past few hours there wasn’t much she could do that could shock him anymore. Plus, he was starting to recover, and Becca was looking so cute and impregnable all of a sudden.

“You wouldn’t normally think that. LifeSim’s just making you feel that way.”

“Kenneth,” Becca said, pausing her self-pleasure before standing up and walking over to her hubby, “I need you to understand that in here, that doesn’t matter. To any of us.” She wrapped her arms around him and gave herself up to infatuation as the combined effect of his voice, musk, and natural charisma forced her body to become sexually receptive to his.

“You may not have meant to,” she continued, “but you programmed me to find it hot when you fuck other women, and so I do find it hot.” She pressed her mound against him, her arousal at the thought of Kenneth spreading the love now reinforcing her ever-present desire for Kenneth’s cock.

“Plus, you made yourself irresistible to women, and I’m a woman, which means that I can’t help but find you irresistible too. It doesn’t matter, to any of us, that we wouldn’t normally feel this way.”

She smirked up at him, and Kenneth jumped in surprise and arousal as he felt her small hand wrap itself around his dick. He hadn’t realized that he was already fully erect again, but now that he had noticed it, he couldn’t stop thinking about how fertile and ready for his seed Becca was, and his cock began to throb in her hands. She was just so fuckable. But no, he’d already knocked her up once – he couldn’t do that to her again. Not to his Becca.

She wasn’t done though. “The truth is that we love feeling this way. We love how irresistible and masculine you are, and we love how easily you can knock us up with that manly cock of yours. Kenneth, while we’re in here, we don’t want it to stop! We can’t help it!”

“Well, I’m going to stop it,” Kenneth responded with a certainty that he didn’t really feel. “I’ve already impregnated you once while you weren’t in your right mind, and I’m not going to do that to you again.” Even as he said it though, he was fully focused on how badly his body wanted to do just that.

“Well, how about this then,” Becca purred, smiling mischievously as she backed him up and sat him down on the bed, stroking the entire time. “I’ll just do what comes naturally, and I’ll let you make the decision.” She bent her head down and licked him from balls to tip, consciously embracing and reveling in her infatuation with her virile man. “That way, whatever happens will be your choice. It’ll be entirely up to you.”

She took him fully into her mouth, noting that his cock tasted like a mixture of cum and Kelly and Allison’s juices, but that just got her engine revving that much hotter. Watching was fun, but now it’s my turn to give this perfect dick exactly what it wants. Becca loved the thought of what Kenneth was about to do to her body.

“I really think we shouldn’t…” Kenneth began, but now that his wife’s slick mouth was wrapped around his cock it was so much easier to just relax and enjoy the sensations, and ignore what they would eventually do to him. Still, it wasn’t like Becca could get pregnant from a blowjob.

Once he was good and lubed up, Becca pulled her mouth off and began stroking him again. “I know that I said I’d help you, Kenny, and I promise that I will however I can, but LifeSim’s effects are just too strong to resist. I can’t help but want to make you happy, and neither can the other women. You’re just so… desirable. It’s like the strongest crush I could imagine times a million, and it feels amazing.”

With her hand sliding up and down his slick cock like this, Kenneth was feeling pretty amazing too. His impulsive side loved that every woman in the neighborhood now had an irresistible crush on him, including his sexy wife, and as he stared at Becca’s tight waist and bare pussy through the haze of his arousal it was getting increasingly hard to remember why he didn’t want to plump that sexy little belly up with his cum again.

Becca kept going, and more importantly, she kept stroking. “I know this is LifeSim talking, but I can’t help but feel, deep down, that you deserve all of this, and I want to help you get what you deserve.” Kenneth wanted to believe that he deserved it. The possibility that he deserved to knock up any woman he wanted was incredibly appealing, especially at that moment.

“I want to help you fuck all of our sexy neighbors, Kenneth. They want you to do it, and I know how badly you want to do it too.”

Kenneth did want to do it. He imagined how good it would feel to have his cock stiffening in all of those tight, fertile pussies, and Becca bent over once more and added a hint of reality to his fantasies with her slick mouth.

Yes, this was exactly what Kenneth wanted: silky cocksheaths driving him closer and closer to the edge. He wanted to lose control.

Becca knew exactly what he wanted, and so she pulled off again and stroked faster. “And I know that deep down, you love it too. You can’t help it. It’s LifeSim’s fault but that doesn’t matter. You want to cum in those fertile pussies. You want to spread those manly Wild Oats of yours.”

Kenneth could feel his programming pounding in his head, echoed in the throbbing of his increasingly sensitive dick. He did want that.

“My pussy is fertile too Kenneth. I know you want to cum in it too.”

He stared at her pussy beside him on the bed, so close to his cock. His head swam. He did want that, but he couldn’t…

“And I need to give you what you want. I can’t help it. Just think about it, Honey. Think about how good it would feel to sow your Wild Oats in your wifey’s fertile little field again.”

Kenneth thought about it. He thought about Becca’s swollen, milky tits swinging under her t-shirt with the exertions of her hand on his cock, leaving large, damp patches over her leaky nipples just as Kelly’s had. He thought about how he had been the one to do that to her, and how good it would feel to do it again.

Kenneth suddenly noticed an intense tingle growing at the base of his spine. Thinking about sowing his Wild Oats this close to Becca’s naked pussy had been a mistake, and he felt himself slipping away again. His cock started to swell with dangerous finality in Becca’s small hand.

He could only manage a pleading “Becca…” as his wife quickly and matter-of-factly slid up his body, straddled him, and engulfed his over-sensitive member with her slick, stimulating pussy, and suddenly it was too late. Entirely without his permission, Kenneth’s cock jumped at the chance to shoot rope after rope of lifegiving spooge into Becca’s freshly receptive depths, and Becca came again at the thought of Kenneth filling every woman in the neighborhood just like this. The horny couple moaned and shuddered together as they shared their ecstasy, and all the while Kenneth’s balls continued to mindlessly pump their contents into his wife’s womb.

“Well, I guess that’s that.”

Becca slid herself off her husband’s deflating cock now that the deed was done. Her cute little pussy had performed wonderfully, getting pumped nice and full.

Kenneth, in contrast, was enjoying how satisfyingly empty his balls felt after the afternoon’s exertions. He experienced an instinctive surge of masculine pride when he noticed thick beads of his jizz dripping out of his wife’s glistening entrance.

He’d done that. He’d inseminated Becca again after he’d told himself that he wouldn’t. He hadn’t wanted to, hadn’t intended to, but in the end he hadn’t been able to stop himself. That’s that indeed. LifeSim would now doubtless show that Becca was pregnant again, along with Allison, and Kelly for a second time as well. Even so, this deep in his post-coital high Kenneth wasn’t able to muster any guilt or disappointment at what he’d done. If anything, he only wanted to do it again…

Becca bent over to give her husband a deep, affectionate kiss before walking out of the room, feeling his potent seed starting to trickle its way down her bare thighs. She knew that, thanks to LifeSim, her body would already be succumbing to her fresh bellyful of baby batter, and she couldn’t be happier about it.

That night in bed, Kenneth rolled over toward Becca before going to sleep.

"I still plan to fix everything."

"Honey," she said, rubbing her freshly reimpregnated abdomen as she smiled innocently at her husband, “you do what you have to do, and I'll do what I have to do. This is just the beginning."

Part of Kenneth didn't like the sound of that, but a growing, ever louder part of him liked it very much. Very much indeed.

End of Chapter 6



More LifeSim, let's fucking go

Aerin Pierce

I'm expecting Kens gonna come home to every female at some point in his house for a party to help give him points... and maybe we'll also see becca speeding things along to keep him giving her the pleasure he gave her today.

AGM Instructional Productions

I'm honestly loving the slow horror buildup of it. Like, on the one hand, it's VERY hot. On the other hand, this game is actively malevolent. There is a part of Becca that is screaming right now.

James Hârn

The point at which he's constantly running away from his desires is starting to be a bit grating.