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hello!! i have been in absolute pit of shit for the last two weeks, and in the end decided to just.. rest. and i really, really needed that break from just.. everything. i'm starting to feel a little better.
also turns out i have iron deficiency anemia, which at least explains my constant tiredness. i'm gonna start working on fixing that, and hopefully it'll make things a little easier to deal with! i am feeling hopeful again.

thank you everyone for your patience and continued support 😭 i hope to draw more this month, i feel absolutely miserable when i don't have the energy to draw..



Egg Tats

hey! I'm glad you managed to get some rest! now go eat an anvil to strengthen your body!

ogamagirl (Erin)

Glad you took that break for you - it's so important to just...detach sometimes when it's all too much. Glad you're starting to feel better and know part of the reason why it's been so hard lately - I hope you can fix your iron deficiency soon! Always nice to see best boy Fordic as well 💖