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I've had some very bad luck health wise and have had trouble creating. atm I've been bed ridden for a full day because of a torn muscle in my back, which will probably take a few weeks to heal.. I'll try to get back to work as soon as i can do so without being in pain!

thank you everyone for your support and patience 💖



I literally tore or pulled a muscle in my back a few days after I got to Finland (I've been here since the 6th of February) so I feel your pain, I hope you recover soon!


ahhh i hope your back recovered/is recovering well! ;_; last time this happened it took weeks for me to heal, but this time I'm doing better, turns out laying in bed makes it way worse so I've been moving and stretching as much as i can & it's speeding up my recovery a lot! anyway muscles r fucking weird lol