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blissfully facefucked

a face of a guy who just discovered he really loves being facefucked
(and the face of a guy who's about to get facefucked right again for being so damn cute)

also including a pic of the un-goop face because.. i really liked painting those swollen lips...
🥺👉👈 and the goop kinda hides em...



ogamagirl (Erin)

This turned out SUPER well Sukka! OuO as a goop lover I am biased and like that version best lol but I also really appreciate the alt because you painted his swollen lips REAL well - there's so much volume to them! I'm continually impressed by how tactile your art is - you can tell you really had a lot of fun with that detail~ (Also his shorts are so cute????)


Fordic looks like he really enjoyed his shower! (he's so fucking cute i can't even)


THANK YOU!! the goop is ESSENTIAL but yeah i was a little sad it hid fordic's swollen lips ssooooo BEST OF BOTH WORLDS: BOTH!!! anyway im so glad its obvious i had a lot of fun lol :333 cause i DID... this pic has a specific story behind it so drawing it was just me floating in the headspace of the story and it was very fun and nice lol ´w` (ALSO I WANNA DRAW ANOTHER PIC WITH THESE SHORTS, the whole beach outfit for fordic in this scene is so cute i must draw it properly!!!)