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this week has been hard. this month has been hard. this whole year has, obviously, been very hard! i'm very much struggling. with many things.. as everyone is, right now.

this is kind of a vent piece. i havent been able to draw all week, not due to lack of time but just.. absolutely drained of all energy, inspiration and motivation. the despair i feel when i don't create doesn't only stem from guilt for not updating here, but just general fear of losing one of the only things that i actually want to do! but everyone needs breaks, and maybe this week was a gravely needed pause for me? cause i do feel calmer now that i finally picked up the pen and drew this, kinda proving my brain that i can still draw lmfao. i need to teach myself that it's normal to have breaks, even from things you love, especially if you do them as a job. it's something i fight with a lot. anyway!

i want to take the time to thank everyone who has stayed around despite everything going on in the world, and in everyone's lives. your support means the world to me. i will keep doing my best! thank you from the bottom of my heart! ❤



ogamagirl (Erin)

It definitely is hard when you WANT to draw but have absolutely no motivation or inspiration to...but like you said so well, sometimes we need breaks even from the things we love, so I'm glad if coming back to do this after a week off felt calmer ;--; it definitely has a lot of emotion packed into it; his eyes and expression are very intense and I like how starkly the red of his eyes and hair stand out against the cool colored background. This year has been...just awful, but I'm glad to still be here with you and glad that you're in my life!


i understand, its been a very rough time this year. im glad you managed to rest and give yourself time on this one, and very glad that drawing this eased your nerves. we'll be here always, and i want you to know breaks are perfectly okay (: if we want more art, we have hundreds, maybe thousands to look back on in here! it tides us over until you're ready c: be safe mr sukka. (also, i love the effects you used for the shading here. and the expression really pierces me. thank you for the art <3)


thank you so much erin ;-;;; the times r hard, but whenever the shit calms down a little, i do feel happy ive survived so far! and grateful that i have friends like you who stick with me, too T_T <33 also yeah i have to learn to allow myself guilt free breaks. because even when i do take breaks, theyre usually ridden with guilt.. and thats a habit i need to learn away from. it's difficult, but reminding myself aloud and getting reassurance from others help with that.. so thank you ;-; <3


thank you so much! ;-; the reassurance helps with the guilt i feel whenever im taking breaks.. it's something i struggle with a lot and hope to be better at.. just... thank u so much 🥺❤❤❤