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hey you all! it's been a silent week over here.. despite getting the new tablet, i haven't been able to draw much because my dog got sick, and i am myself, worried sick about him. i have been slowly cracking at commissions, but it's a slow progress because i can't keep myself concentrated on anything. v_v tomorrow going to the vet, so hopefully that will ease my mind and i could exist a little easier lol

another news is the patreon's new required.. tax thing. it will affect everyone differently, but they are being kinda unprofessional and asking me to inform my patrons so.. here's an article they sent me! https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043054911 

i had to add benefit to be taxed to all my tiers, so i added the benefit of "exclusive posts and updates", which seemed simple and accurate enough summary of my patreon content. but i hope none of you are too affected by this change!

if you don't like patreon's way of doing things, i also have a subscribestar, which you can find through my website https://www.sukka.pink (kinda uncomfy linking it directly through patreon lol... 💦) which has the same things as patreon!

thank you for your support, and i hope i can produce more content for u all to enjoy soon! ´w`


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