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i've been taking it easy as i've been having some kind of stomach issues for a week now, and am kinda low in energy.. and with that said, i've been thinking: maybe this month i can kinda.. let myself rest and celebrate my birthday, and animal crossing, and not worry too much! so i might not post as much as usual..but i definitely do plan on posting ofc! i hope you guys understand, and i hope i get my energy back asap! this is actually the longest time i've been without working on a commission in like THREE YEARS, so i'm kinda.. stressed about not being stressed, if that makes any sense?? im just used to them hanging over me, so.. i hope as i let myself rest, i will regain energy and motivation!

(OH ALSO, march 22nd is my birthday btw! gonna turn 29. i'm probably just going to hang out with apri and play animal crossing ´w` 💖)

thank you all for your continued support!! 💖💖💖 oh also, this month, i do hope to finish the january painting (the 44diccu kids as angel/devil hybrids one) and next month i can start fresh, with another poll for a painting for patrons!



lmao this was posted with my self-perceived assumption that ive posted NOTHING this month, but i just looked back and saw that ive posted 8 things, and it's the 9th of march. uhh i have issues, and i think my brain doesnt let me remember when i do things??? ANYWAY.. i'll.. try to rest.

ogamagirl (Erin)

I hope your stomach feels better soon ;~; but you ABSOLUTELY deserve a break! You work so hard and produce so much content, you deserve a low-key month to focus on yourself and get some energy back 💖 we love you!!