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i know posting has been slow lately.. I've had hard time drawing due to stress and anxiet over big life changes that are due to happen.
i apologize for the lack of the usual amount of content.
I'm also trying not to push myself to draw out of obligation and guilt, because it makes the process more difficult and uncomfortable, which is the last thing I need right now.

Thank you all so much for your patience and support! I honestly hope the changes in my life go smoothly and I'm able to adjust to them soon, and get back to my usual art schedule!

Meanwhile, I'll still try to draw as much as I can! 💪💦 Thank you all so, so much once again! Your support means the world to me 💜


Kieran Walker

we all understand, we're here to support you, the content is just a bonus 💖 you've got this, just do what you can and prioritize your own wellbeing and we'll all be here afterwards


No need to apologize! I truly mean that - I don’t think any patrons are going to get mad at you or anything for not churning out art constantly. Your rate of art production is way higher than mine, for instance, and nobody’s ever gotten tetchy at me about it on here. You don’t need to post apologies about it, it’s fine to draw at the pace that you need.


thank you! ;-;; i really truly appreciate it! i try not to worry and stress about it so much, cause that makes everything harder too, but it's hard! but tbh, most of all i want to thank people, not just apologize ;w; i know thanks is much better to receive than apologies, after all..


thank you! ToT 💖i want to try my best, patreon gives me a lot of motivation to keep going, and thats why i wanna keep it active, too! i'm still in the process of trying to learn to give myself some guilt-free free time, which is very hard to do! i always feel like i could be working instead 💦 so i really appreciate it, and hope i can learn to treat myself with kindness and regulate my free and work-time better..!💖💖