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so, this weekend we were visitin my grandparents, and my grandma choked on food, passed out and fell on the floor hitting her head. i was there with 2 kids, as my sister and mom were in the shop, and my grandparents are not very fond of doctors, so i had to deal with the situation basically alone, while tending to my niece and nephew (6 and 3 years old) and my grandma.

all in all, a very stressful and draining situation, and i'm not the best with dealing with stress or managing my emotions. or talking to strangers. or making phonecalls. but i had to call the emergency number and explain many times to many different people what happened.

this happened on saturday, my grandma got out of hospital and says she's okay. i'm still very worried, as she hit her head very hard and is.. you know, old. :( i hope there won't be future complications.

anyway, i'm having trouble sleeping because i keep flashing back to seeing my grandma on the floor, and the utter helplessness of the situation, the blood and vomit on her face. so i'm kinda giving myself time to process this whole thing. even writing about is is making me kinda panicky, even though everything is okay now.

i've been playing the remake of the legend of zelda - link's awakening. i'm thinking i'll draw some fanart for it! also, got some commissions in queue, but i'm not rushing myself to work because of this whole ordeal.

thank you for your understanding, patience and support! 💖


Jennifer Gauna

That situation sounds terrifying, and I'm glad all of you made it through okay! You definitely deserve some time off, you gotta let your brain settle down We're here for ya! 🥰❤❤


thank you 🙏💕 it was really terrifying, im worried about my grandma, and my 3 year old nephew who was the one to see her choke and fall :( poor kid


You take as long as you need no rush. You do you we'll all be here.