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i just woke up and my brain is barely on my head, but i just saw this number and almost flew off my chair!? that is a big amount of people, and i don't know how to even BEGIN TO SHOW MY GRATITUDE. thank you all SO much for pledging, for having pledged, for going to pledge, for any amount of time at all! it honestly helps me so much in my day to day life, and i'm so happy that you want to support me and my bumbling journey through art!

i wanted to draw something special for this, but it's almost the end of month which mean the payment cycle will probably kick some people away, or people might've planned to pledge only for this month so i wanted to hurry and write SOMETHING before some of you go!

this summer has not been easy, with the loss of a dear pet, and other pretty depressing things going on in my private life. i've been struggling, as some of you might've noticed with the way less frequent posting for the summer months. the weather this month hasn't helped much either! thank you all who decided to support me through it.

patreon has been an adventure for me, and i'm glad i was brave enough to venture into it. it has given my life meaning, it is my mini-job. i've learned a lot about myself, about art, and i hope i can keep on learning and improving through it. it gives me motivation when i don't have any, and it's helped a LOT with a few shitty aspects of my mental illness.

all this rambling to say: thank you. thank you all so much. i'll keep on trying my best!


Kernal King

I love your art so much and I'll be here for as long as patreon exists


We love you, Sukka.