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it's so relaxing to think about nothing but 44diccu and paint 44diccu and listen to my 44diccu playlist and live in a little 44diccu bubble.......

44diccu is cool



ogamagirl (Erin)

agggghhhh yes yes I love this, the way you draw kisses always looks so soft and warm and lovely, and the way you paint skin is so awesome...I love space AU 44diccu (I love all 44diccu to be fair), I love this background...it's like they're each other's whole galaxy, the whole universe inside their kiss...it's so nice I love this so much <33333


Yessssssss i wanted to convey that kind of feeling, that their kiss makes the entire world and basically themselves too disappear, there's just their love and the kiss and everything else is meaningless because LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;w,;; waaaaa


The skin???? Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooo softtttt it looks so really