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PALLAS VS FORDIC!!!!!! + their inner animals

we draw pallas often as a baby kitten (or baby penguin) and fordic as a tiger, and somehow i never thought how funny it is that they're bot essentially cats, so

catfight mreooww etc etc jKGFDJGKDF

they both have impeccable sense of fashion tho :/



ogamagirl (Erin)

They both DO have impeccable fashion I really like both their outfits here ** this is a great concept! I love how the both of them look ready to throw down, and their animals mirror their defiant stances (also how Pallas is so much taller than Fordic, but a tiger is so much bigger than a kitten...reverse parallels...or something...IT'S COOL OK) The lighting's great too, the spotlight makes me think of a circus stage (maybe the tiger has something to do with that also) and I love the colored shadows being thrown of both of their figures. THIS IS GOOD


YEAH I WANTED TO REALLY SHOWCASE the differences between their selves and their ~inner selves~ cause it was such a fun, kind of a reverse mirror realization also i wanted the spotlight to be there so it's like, a SHOWDOWN FIGHT like on a stage or something hdsjfdh