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i feel like I've been posting a little less, even though I have been working, so im just making this post to ease my mind tbh! current works in progress: i have, due to stress & bad luck during this year (like pc breaking etc) been very slow with commissions and my current queue is about 10. I'm working on them. my own project meanwhile is a short comic, I've thumbnailed 5 pages and sketched out 2! ive always wanted to make comics and attempted it multiple times, but always chickened out before finishing. so i wanna keep this comic hidden until i finish it, so i can look forward to showing the finished thing!! (i feel like showing WIPs often makes me lose some motivation💦💦) I'll still try to post all the silly inbetween doodles i do, but if posting seems slower than usual, now you know why! 💖



You do what you gotta do. We'll be here.

Dryad’s Doodles

Take your time sukka! It sounds like a stressful year. Never overwork yourself and remember we love you even if works are coming out slowly 💞