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i've had this patreon for soon a year! i made the first post on 22nd of january, and god it's been a wonderful year! there's been looots of shit, a lot of tough times but i've managed to survive through it all. and looking back, i am happy i decided to start patreon! i've gotten to know wonderful people and improve my art in many ways! 

with the help of the money i earn through patreon, i've managed to pay surprise bills with relative ease, like topias's castration, dentist, my hospitalization, also new glasses that i desperately needed, and just regular ol' monthly things like food, electricity and a surprise 200€ water bill lmfao.. also bunch of stuff for topias, he has teeth of steel and chews through his toys like a machine!! but, the reason i managed to take care of all these things were thanks to all of you, who decided to support me ;-; i appreciate every single one of you and i wanna thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!!

atm i can't draw on my pc because it's barely working, but i've got the 1000€ from the charity to buy myself a new one, and next week the process of shipping the pc components to me is finally gonna begin (the people who take care of billing things for the shop i gotta use were on a vacation). once i have a new pc, my first plan is to take an old picture and redraw it in celebration of the new year :3c meanwhile i'm gonna keep practicing painting on my ipad!!

making new years resolutions isn't really anything i've ever done, but i have some art related things i wanna accomplish this year!!
firstly, i wanna do more studies! anatomy studies, color studies, background studies.. just PRACTICE!! also, i used to draw way more backgrounds some years ago, and i wanna do that again! i wanna draw at least one full painting with a FULL BACKGROUND!! 

god, i have so many things i wanna accomplish with my art, and i hope to slowly tackle them all. posting art on patreon.. has kind of changed my general feeling towards my art? i'm much more happy with what i draw as of late, and patreon has been an *awesome* experience!! thank you all for taking part in this journey. AS CHEESY AS IT SOUNDS, i hope it's just beginning!!

ps. i did not plan this text post which is why it's a mess lMFAO BUT I FEEL LIKE IF I NOW START PICKING ON IT it becomes even more of a mess, as the more i write the more embarrassed and fumbly i get so TIME TO END THIS AND JUST SAY

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 TO EVERYONE!!! i hope this year brings us all good things!!

i love you all ♥



We adore you, Sukka! Hope the new year is kind to you!

ogamagirl (Erin)

I'm so proud of you Sukka ;u; this year was HARD but you made it through, and you did SO many things to be proud of, this Patreon is a huge milestone and I'm so glad you were able to start it! I hope that this new year brings more kind things and people and more wonderful art <3