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I WISH I COULD MAKE COMICS but i'm so bad at making/planning panels that it gets really exhausting really quick and i get discouraged u_u;;;

also updates on life:

i've been slowly getting over my stomach flu, but the physical exhaustion part is not going away

+ today i started taking iron supplements for my anemia that i hope will make me have a bit more energy 💪

oh right my fucking pc is dying and drawing is laggy af wHICH MIGHT ALSO EXPLAIN why i get exhausted drawing comics when i gotta wait for photoshop to stop lagging to be able to draw one fucking line. i've sent an application for this charity for mentally/physically ill people, if they could help me buy a new pc, so here's to hoping that'll work out before my pc shits itself 🤞🤞🤞🤞




How much money would you need to help buy one? Cause I could just like. Help if you want.


thank you for the offer but i'm not sure if i can afford to pay for one properly by myself, even with help + commissions, cause i have a lot of upcoming things to pay, so i'd probably buy one and pay it in installments across like.. years. i know it'd be cheaper to literally buy the parts and build it myself but i don't know if i have the confidence to do that x_x;; but the pcs i have my eyes on (ready-built) are like near 2000€, which is.. an impossible amount for me to pay by myself like.. ever.