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HEYyy i wanna play with colors, so if anyone's interested, gimme links to cool color palettes (for example by using coolors.co, it's great) and i'll use them to color sketches!! *o*


Erica Mackenzie

Here's one :) <a href="https://coolors.co/0d3b66-faf0ca-f4d35e-ee964b-f95738" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://coolors.co/0d3b66-faf0ca-f4d35e-ee964b-f95738</a>

The Secretary

You tend not to play with greens so heres a challenging one <a href="https://coolors.co/export/png/130a7f-003b00-007062-b2382e-41a04c" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://coolors.co/export/png/130a7f-003b00-007062-b2382e-41a04c</a>