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apri is coming over for like 10 days so i might be a bit slower than usual with posting since i don't know how much time i'll have on pc. the last time we met irl was literally a year ago so we're gonna try to do as much stuff as we can (especially the kinda things you can only do live, like going to the movies!)

i'm pretty sure i'll still draw (cause i get anxious when i don't draw) but i can't promise it'll be daily (or every other day like sometimes when i have bad days)

i'm trying not to stress about it either so i can enjoy these 10 days as much as i can ;V; sorry for the inconvenience(?)!

(to the ones that don't know: apri is the co-creator of all the OCs i draw, and my queerplatonic partner)


Aiden Lazer Graey

That sounds like it's gonna be hella fun! Wonder if we'll see any Apri tidbits in with your sketches vuv


it's been so much fun so far!! (。 ◕ ω ◕)♥♥ but i wonder?? at least the last two days i've been brainlessly doodling while we talk so idunno!