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WeAre TechZA

Lol I just realised you text almost exactly how you speak irl. Maybe it would have been better to have that conversation f2f. It’s incredibly jarring to have a mirror held to your face like that especially if no one in the past(I’m assuming) had not brough it up. if she was being introspective during that time which I think she might’ve been (obv idk her) she should have communicated that insecurity and ask for some time away from the friendship while she dealt with that. Friendship break ups are terrible, wishing yall the very best.

kareem 🇵🇸

Dee literally sent audio messages when she was talking abt what she thought was annoying etc so the only text excuse doesn't work

Ace_ 19

Sound like she bipolar or not dealing with the issues she has inside her not defending her or nun but she prob needs therapy if she snapping like that bc don’t nobody wanna be around that consistently walking on eggshells around her it’s not anyone’s fault but hers hope she gets the help she needs one day before she crashes out