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Manchester Vacation Travel Guide



I live in london, and I personally think you should come here because it's much bigger and there's a lot more to do, but yeah manchester is cool too.

Mark Taylor

You can get around the UK very easily. London to Manchester is 2 hours on a train. That way you can do a bit of both. If it is your first time London is probably the best place to stay at and then maybe go visit the other places for a day or two. Yeah the video felt more targeted to one demographic and did not highlight all the stuff for those into Shopping, eating and nightlife.


Appreciate you not being biased since Manchester’s your hometown lol but yeah I’ll probably spend more time in London and just do a day trip to Manchester


I’m from Birmingham and I’ve been to Manchester a few times and idk if me and my friends just had bad experiences but we hated it every time, but we only went clubbing and to a festival there we didn’t do much else. London is definitely the safest choice cus there’s so much to do there, i actually highly recommend Liverpool it’s actually one of my favourite cities it’s really close to Manchester! Birmingham is also cool, it’s the closest to London out of all of them and the shopping food and nightlife here is real good! If you’re looking to shop you’ll enjoy any of the cities cus we got some really good shopping centres here!