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Jessi - Cold Blooded (Music Video)



“Why are you late to your own music video” 😭😂🤣 That was funny, but I think she used the video to give the dancers a platform to showcase their moves

hyun li

Originally she wasn’t supposed to be in the video, all these dancers are from a show called “ Street woman fighter” Jessi wanted the attention to be on the dancers alone and not her, But they wanted her to be in the video as well that’s why she only made an appearance at the end.


The thought crossed my mind that maybe it was because she said she can’t dance lol but this is a better reason, that was cool of her


I had a feeling going in you'd like this more than her other stuff but 100% agree with the last part, when I listen to this song I usually skip once it gets there. Weirdly I usually love all the random switch ups in K-pop but I think your damned tastes rubbing off on me 😂


😂 yeahh the beat switch ups usually change for the worst imo, still waiting for a good one lol