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Supernatural - Sam and Dean being typical siblings for almost 6 minutes


Kyle Reese

Supernatural went on for 15 seasons so their humor is kinda dated. It was more scary in the beginning when they were allowed to have blood and gore in the early seasons. They had monster eating people and all. Also you weren’t interested in the first 2 minutes? They their impaled from the ceiling with her guts falling out in the first like 70 second what do you watch to be unfazed I was invested 🤣🤣.


i have watched almost every show ever but not supernatural idk if i could dedicate myself to 15 seasons


Guts?! Lmao there were a few drops of blood falling from sis...but gore doesn't make me interested in something. I just found that opening scene boring. I've seen too many horror movies to be impressed by a woman stuck to the ceiling then set on fire 😂

deeshanell (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-25 16:16:21 15 seasons is insane. Law & Order SVU is the only show I've watched for that long lol
2021-12-23 06:58:10 15 seasons is insane. Law & Order SVU is the only show I've watched for that long lol

15 seasons is insane. Law & Order SVU is the only show I've watched for that long lol

James Stephenson

I don’t know what these clips were, it looked more like bloopers because it was way more perfected on tv