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Drag Race - Bob and Peppermint laughing compilation + LGBTQ Pronoun "rant"


Chase Lee

This seems like a safe place to ask this. What does it mean to be a woman now? Like, Dee said herself that the drag queens present themselves as women because they wear long wigs, makeup, and dresses. Aren’t feminists trying to say that doesn’t make you a woman? If gender is just a personal expression with no definition then does it exist? If that’s true, then women and men don’t exist. That opens up a whole new can of worms.


Feminists are trying to say that those things don't define a woman because it all should be about choice. If you wanna embrace things like makeup, go for it, the goal is to have any woman choose herself what makes sense for her and go for it, and not feel like they HAVE to wear it because that's what society says a woman is/should do and because they will be seen as less than if they are not that feminine/don't embrace certain forms of expressions that have been expected of women for ages. And I think you are confusing gender and biological sex. And it is also a complex topic, as for instance, radical feminists are usually against trans rights because they believe that the biological sex (your body basically) is what makes you a woman or a man...so for them a trans woman, or for them a 'man in a dress' , is not a woman because they are not a biological born female. There are a lot of nuances when it comes to this topic, as well as any other topics of discussion. No movement is homogenous. Some feminists are okay with drag queens because they know that it is a performance, some think it's a mockery of women. People have different opinions inside every social movement.

Chase Lee

The difference between biology and social is part of it. Ie. What is the word for a human female? To be clear, none of this changes the common decency that everyone deserves. I just wonder what things are if no one agrees on a definition.

Ryan Haile

I don't really think you're opinion is unpopular at all lol. I think most people agree that it's confusing and so on, and oftentimes struggle to adapt. Especially if it's someone that you already know as something else or when someone doesn't present themselves in the typical manner that you would expect for their pronouns. I do have an unpopular opinion about this and it's that non-cis people a large majority of the time are much more understanding than people make them out to be lol. I have never met a trans or non-binary person (although my experience with non-cis people is limited) that wasn't understanding to the fact that it was something people needed to adjust to. I'm not saying you haven't experienced some kind of backlash or that it doesn't ever happen, but of course, there are always idiots at points or people that aren't understanding, I just don't think it's as common as people make it out to be. I had a long conversation about this with some friends recently that was really interesting and it included a friend who has changed her name within the past 2 years and we were paralleling how people have adapted to that to that of trans and non-binary people. A lot of people have perceived her as being very aggressive/passive-aggressive about the matter because she will correct someone when they say the wrong name or something, but in her mind, she's just helping them adjust by reminding them. She's never been intentionally rude about it. The only time she's been mad is regarding one person who she considers a friend, who she works with almost every day, who showed no real interest in trying and was a bit critical about her whole name-changing process to begin with. She saw that as a lack of respect. I think most people understand as long as you try. I for one have to be honest never understood the whole concept of being non-binary or especially transgendered anyways. I am very open about that with the non-cis friends that I do have, I don't go around constantly mentioning it because I feel like that's rude and unnecessary, but they know that's my opinion. It's similar to what Chase is talking about in the other comment, I don't put that much value on gender. I don't go around thinking that I need to be or act a certain way because I am a man and I don't think that women need to act a certain way to be a woman, and so I don't really value the social construct of gender to the point where I understand someone identifying as something that doesn't align with their sex. But I don't feel like I need to understand, it's not necessary for me to understand in order to respect. If someone tells me their pronouns, I do my best. I can however also recognize the difficulties of being non-cis and the fact that there are very clear systemic and social injustices in how they are treated. I can understand the dangers of misgendering and thus outing someone and do my absolute best. In the case of your friend, however, I think that's a very specific scenario where you can try and have a conversation. I would have told the student that I will do my best and in the case that a student doesn't want me to out them, I would say that I don't feel confident enough to handle this and don't feel comfortable doing so because I don't want to risk outing them. I would tell them that I believe it to be best for me to refer to them by the pronoun their parents know them by at all times until they are ready to come out. If they really would prefer it the other way, they should understand that that is at their own risk. I'm not very into drag, so perhaps I don't understand it correctly and perhaps it's different for everyone, but my understanding has always been that drag kings and queens are characters that cis people play. It might be a "part of them they need to express" or whatever, but it's not them, hence the names and everything. So it is instinct for me because of that separation to think of their drag persona as an opposite gender and call them "he/him" or "she/her" when in drag and when referring to their drag personality, but to use the opposite pronoun when speaking about them as people outside of drag. If that's generally not the case or if that's not the case with someone who I'm speaking to then I would expect them to speak up and I'll do my best. I can't know if you don't speak up lol.


It’s interesting, just reading yall long responses further confirms for me how unnecessarily complicated this all is lol but just further background on my teacher friend: not outing students to their parents while simultaneously using their chosen pronouns at school is a big deal and teachers face disciplinary action if they don’t abide by this. So teachers can’t just do their best and have conversations with students to have some type of agreement, it’s mandatory in their school district that they take this extremely serious and follow protocol. So this isn't just a random specific situation at all, I can totally foresee this being the case in the workplace soon as well. I can see people getting written up or fired for using the wrong pronouns and not being extremely sensitive and/or educated about the LGBTQ community which I find to be a bit much

Ryan Haile

Really? That’s really interesting actually, I didn’t know that. Maybe it’s different where you’re at then because even though Sweden and Stockholm are suuuuuper liberal compared to most of, if not all of, the US, I can’t really imagine that happening here and there definitely aren’t rules like that. I mean, there are anti-discrimination rules and regulations and I can see someone making that case if someone was super disrespectful with it but even then, I don’t know how well that would go considering people get away with full on sexual harassment at the work place a lot of the time. I don’t feel like most work places are very proactive with that stuff lol


The pronouns are too much. I Too get confused on what I’m supposed to address certain people as. Like you said, some people don’t even care and others recently changed. I can’t imagine how teachers will adjust. We learn things like pronouns in school, it’s grammar .seems like there is going to have to be a lot of adjusting maybe even in schools and that is VERY confusing

Devron Love

The pronoun topic is confusing. I get confused as well. I just do my best, if I mis pronoun someone it’s not on purpose I’m trying and all I can do is try. If someone gets mad at that, I don’t know what to tell them besides Sorry and keep it pushing. 🤷🏿‍♂️ But I do think that for the most part a lot of non-binary adults at least, are pretty understanding when people make mistakes as long as their intent isn’t malicious. Now kids, these days kids are disrespectful so I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t understanding at all, but adults for the most part, in my experience are. It’s just a lot to remember and it’s a lot all I once. I was still on remembering that trans people are not referred to as transsexual or transvestites but transgender now, not too long ago, so…you know I ain’t shit when it comes to remembering pronouns and correct terminology 😂 🤦🏿‍♂️


I have mixed emotions with the pronoun issue. If someone wants me to refer to them with non-binary pronouns or pronouns opposite to the gender they present as I will do it out to respect. However, I think that people constantly threatening people for not understanding or having different viewpoints is actually negatively affecting the lgbt community. I read a statistic recently that sadly lgbt acceptance in youth is actually decreasing.

Jon Jon

Chile, y’all might as well write a book with these novel comments y’all leaving 😂 but I have too struggled with the pronoun issue, especially now that I have a good friend who likes to go by “them/they” even though they like to refer to themself as a lesbian, which I believe to be a feminine term, but I see how those can be 2 different things.

Devron Love

I’m dead! It’s funny because when I’m thinking what I want to type it doesn’t seem long, but when I’m finished I’m like, well I just wrote a damn mini series 🤦🏿‍♂️ 😂

Darian Diamond (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-13 19:38:15 Hey Dee I just watched this reaction & just wanted to make a comment if you ever see this, but I hear this once from a famous drag queen named Bianca Del Rio but they said being a Drag Queen is like clocking in at your job, you show up do the job & leave, so you kind of had to think about it in workplace terms anybody can show up and apply at Walmart (Male, Female, Trans Men & Trans Women, or Non-Binary) when these individuals arrive they clock in & start their shift, the same goes for Drag the only difference is you call them the pronoun you see when their in Drag, if for no other reason then just because of all the time & effort they put into their look to give you that fantasy look plus the performance that their selling you too but once they take the makeup off their back to being themselves again kinda like how people dress up as Characters at Disneyland & women dress up like Princesses when they work at a Disney theme park once their shift is done they wipe all that makeup off & remove that dress & their back to being themselves again, the only difference is Drag allows anyone to dress up like a Princess or a Prince if they want to, whether their a self identifying Male or Female or if their a Trans Man or Woman or if their Non-Binary, they can all dress up in different forms of Drag, if that helps a little bit. Oh btw Bob identify's as Cis-Male so (He/Him), if I'm not mistaken & Peppermint identity's as Trans-Woman so (She/Her) but when their in Drag the both identity as (She/Her) because that's the kinda Drag looks they prefer on selling the crowd while they're working. Btw they were laughing in that live all crazy because Peppermint thought that the commercial ads were playing during her live & while they both thought they were on commercial break Bob told Peppermint that she has some "Broke Ass Fans" but the funny part was that it was only one commercial that played & it was only a min long so Peppermint's fans heard Bob call them some "Broke Bitch's", it's was really funny if the video filled you in more lol & the fracking video was funny because Rupaul from the Drag Race Reality Show, was caught fracking at his & his husband's home & fracking is illegal in the US. But I hope I helped out a bit, sorry for the late reaction but still enjoyed it😊.
2022-08-26 06:06:02 Hey Dee I just watched this reaction & just wanted to make a comment if you ever see this, but I hear this once from a famous drag queen named Bianca Del Rio but they said being a Drag Queen is like clocking in at your job, you show up do the job & leave, so you kind of had to think about it in workplace terms anybody can show up and apply at Walmart (Male, Female, Trans Men & Trans Women, or Non-Binary) when these individuals arrive they clock in & start their shift, the same goes for Drag the only difference is you call them the pronoun you see when their in Drag, if for no other reason then just because of all the time & effort they put into their look to give you that fantasy look plus the performance that their selling you too but once they take the makeup off their back to being themselves again kinda like how people dress up as Characters at Disneyland & women dress up like Princesses when they work at a Disney theme park once their shift is done they wipe all that makeup off & remove that dress & their back to being themselves again, the only difference is Drag allows anyone to dress up like a Princess or a Prince if they want to, whether their a self identifying Male or Female or if their a Trans Man or Woman or if their Non-Binary, they can all dress up in different forms of Drag, if that helps a little bit. Oh btw Bob identify's as Cis-Male so (He/Him), if I'm not mistaken & Peppermint identity's as Trans-Woman so (She/Her) but when their in Drag the both identity as (She/Her) because that's the kinda Drag looks they prefer on selling the crowd while they're working. Btw they were laughing in that live all crazy because Peppermint thought that the commercial ads were playing during her live & while they both thought they were on commercial break Bob told Peppermint that she has some "Broke Ass Fans" but the funny part was that it was only one commercial that played & it was only a min long so Peppermint's fans heard Bob call them some "Broke Bitch's", it's was really funny if the video filled you in more lol & the fracking video was funny because Rupaul from the Drag Race Reality Show, was caught fracking at his & his husband's home & fracking is illegal in the US. But I hope I helped out a bit, sorry for the late reaction but still enjoyed it😊.

Hey Dee I just watched this reaction & just wanted to make a comment if you ever see this, but I hear this once from a famous drag queen named Bianca Del Rio but they said being a Drag Queen is like clocking in at your job, you show up do the job & leave, so you kind of had to think about it in workplace terms anybody can show up and apply at Walmart (Male, Female, Trans Men & Trans Women, or Non-Binary) when these individuals arrive they clock in & start their shift, the same goes for Drag the only difference is you call them the pronoun you see when their in Drag, if for no other reason then just because of all the time & effort they put into their look to give you that fantasy look plus the performance that their selling you too but once they take the makeup off their back to being themselves again kinda like how people dress up as Characters at Disneyland & women dress up like Princesses when they work at a Disney theme park once their shift is done they wipe all that makeup off & remove that dress & their back to being themselves again, the only difference is Drag allows anyone to dress up like a Princess or a Prince if they want to, whether their a self identifying Male or Female or if their a Trans Man or Woman or if their Non-Binary, they can all dress up in different forms of Drag, if that helps a little bit. Oh btw Bob identify's as Cis-Male so (He/Him), if I'm not mistaken & Peppermint identity's as Trans-Woman so (She/Her) but when their in Drag the both identity as (She/Her) because that's the kinda Drag looks they prefer on selling the crowd while they're working. Btw they were laughing in that live all crazy because Peppermint thought that the commercial ads were playing during her live & while they both thought they were on commercial break Bob told Peppermint that she has some "Broke Ass Fans" but the funny part was that it was only one commercial that played & it was only a min long so Peppermint's fans heard Bob call them some "Broke Bitch's", it's was really funny if the video filled you in more lol & the fracking video was funny because Rupaul from the Drag Race Reality Show, was caught fracking at his & his husband's home & fracking is illegal in the US. But I hope I helped out a bit, sorry for the late reaction but still enjoyed it😊.