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Setting up Uno gameplay on Tuesday 6/8. Not sure of the time yet but it'll be around 3pm PST.  The person with the most cards at the end of each round will be swapped out with someone new to give everyone a chance to play. Let me know what website, platform or app would be best for us to play on.


Mark Taylor

Oh wow that sounds awesome. I love uno I have the paid versions on all the systems. The only one I can think of might be Houseparty it is a free app on iphones and also can be played on the web. I feel that might be more cross platform for everyone to play. Not sure I can put a link here but google Uno Online Houseparty. I think that one puts everyone video cams on as their avatar box so you will see everyone playing.


Oh ok cool, I’ll look into it. I know most people aren’t gonna wanna show their faces though so hopefully we can just add a picture lol


I suggest Houseparty also. We don't have to show our faces either I definitely don't want to 💀


Ight bet I’m new so this will be fun


Yesss I can’t wait!


Yessir y’all finna lose!😂

Antwan Hall

Yeah house party


Aye this lit