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The Problem With Female Rap Is Tik Tok...



I feel like Cardi could change things around because when she first came out with Invasion of Privacy with songs like Bartier Cardi and Get up 10 she was really rapping and had some type of substance and if she does take a stand and says she wants to make REAL music I don’t think she’ll really get in trouble because she’s prolly the biggest rap artist today (besides drake and Nicki) male or female and makes money regardless of what she does. So if she starts really rapping and making real music she could start a trend for the other girls and guys to follow suit and kill this trash TikTok music. But I don’t think she’ll do that because I think she values the money and fame over the actual music and being a good artist. But shit I’m not in her head so...🤷🏽


every singer is rapping is gaining more from tiktok including nicki and ariana and taylor etc etc


I don’t really see the correlation. Explain


she can sing about whatever she wants and put it out there for tiktokers to make dances to it ok and thats how doja got where she is thats how megan got where she is and no one in this world has a say on if a person does anything for money because like you said youre not in her head


The video is trynna say that TikTok is ruining music. Like it’s sucking the substance outta everything. Their not talking about artists gaining popularity and new fame from TikTok their talking about the music and that the quality of the music is lowering to fit the “TikTok demographic”.

Olivia Garden

i think tiktok does ruin A LOT of songs, not even just rap songs. but yeah it’s getting quite clear that they are starting to follow this tiktok train, and the artists really do start to just get merged together imo.


idk while i get the point that female rappers tend to make music hoping a dance will be made on tik tok and it will go viral, i also think the companies push them to write basic lines and focus more on sex appeal. a lot of songs tik tok make popular were made before tik tok was a thing and the bars were still lacking. some female rappers just can’t rap 🤷🏾‍♀️. Megan a special case tho bc she can rap it’s just some are a hit or miss bc it seems her label would rather her push sex and while i do enjoy twerk songs sometimes the songs don’t even be that good; and im not gon put the blame on tik tok