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little women


Bring It!

Chile, it's probably all of that negative energy putting itself onto you. I guess after you constantly watch drama and people cussing and fussing, I guess that drama somehow attaches itself to you eventhough you're just a viewer. I guess that quote about "be careful what you ingest in from TV shows" from my momma is true 🥴 I meannn, I'm still gonna watch clips, but I actually never really watched the entire series of RHOA or anything similar. But always, loved the reaction and glad you enjoyed!! Thank you 🤗


"They throwing these little arms"💀💀💀

Devron Love

Yeah, it happens sometimes, watching trash tv can drain you sometimes, moderation is key. I’m still gon watch, absolutely, 😂 but I can’t like binge it. I pick up on others emotions easily and I’m also mr. try and understand everyone and their side, so it’s just a lot, I need a break 😂


Yeah I used to think it was just talk, but it's so true! Maybe just watching short clips is the better way to go actually 🤔 that's smart lol


Yeah I'm definitely still gonna watch, it's still entertaining overall and I paid my money for those 2 shows! lol but you're right, moderation is key. I need to take breaks in between


Lol maybe it's because I'm more chill over here, I definitely think twice before I say things on YouTube. Like today I put up a patreon video on my channel simply because I needed an extra video to put up so I just randomly picked that one without thinking. I just now realized I said I had sex in my mom's bed & how I wanted to be a ho in that video lmao I would've never said that on YouTube so kinda annoyed that I let that video slip 😂