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Why Jessy Left Little Mix - Documentary


Hunter Davis

So just some more insight for you. This documentary was released at the end of 2019. Shortly after, they were finishing up their LM5 tour. On tour, even though Jesy was doing her best there were still moments when she was anxious or cried on stage. She got a lot of support from fans though because of her doc and she even won an award in the UK for it. Last year obviously with COVID hitting, little mix couldn’t promote as much and they had to postpone a tour and their album was delayed. But I think since they got to stay home and work remotely, this was a little easier on Jesy in the group as they prepared for their next album. They also ended up having their own competition show that they judged and I think that was also a little easier on her as well. However, shortly after their last album was released, Jesy had a panic attack in the middle of one of their performances out of nowhere. Shortly after this she went on a hiatus, and the other three girls promoted for a while without her. But then she ended up announcing she was leaving the group. So this is all tied into the things mentioned in the documentary, the bullying and criticism she faced all these years. And I think once she was catapulted back into promoting and performing the pressure and fear came back and which ultimately led her to just leave. It’s mostly sad because Little Mix is one of the groups that actually like each other lol so I think if the world had been kinder the four of them would’ve been together even longer (they are coming up on 10 years now).


Damnnn didn't know they were together that long! I'm sure it was super difficult for her to walk away but good for her, she didn't deserve all that hate smh

L Lee

this hairstyle is everything !


Agree with you 1000%