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People refusing to wear masks in public - Public Freakouts



Dee I’m gonna make a “Dee Shanell being a Leo” compilation I’ll tell you when it’s done


This all must be in California and it shows cause damn near all of y’all got the damn virus😭


Please don’t...I’ll contact you when it’s your turn, as usual. You act like you don’t already know this lol


I know I was just speaking in general srry

Luke Redgate

I don’t understand all the hype over being anti-mask. It’s like I wear a mask in public because experts say that it’s helps stop the spread. And like if the experts are wrong, then I just have to deal with wearing a piece of fabric on my face. Like it’s not that serious.

Emilio Gonzales

I looked on a couple websites for Covid in California, and about half of Covid cases are Latinos, which might be caused by multigenerational households. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah some people just wanna be difficult and utilize their “American rights”


I work @ Walmart and I’m glad ion live in the suburbs bc ion got time to deal with whites coming in and acting oppressed because they gotta wear a thin piece of cloth on their faces....


“It starts with wearing a mask” this is such ridiculous reasoning and the whole basis that it’s unconstitutional is completely unfounded. This isn’t even the first time public health mandates have been implemented. People are just slow and refuse to use logic.

Henry Smith

All I do is just ignore Americans as much as I can no shade🙂😭

Aleeka Libra

Here in Philly stores don’t really care about masks that much anymore. I be walking through stores without a mask and I haven’t gotten sick yet. None of my family and friends have gotten sick either so, there’s definitely some shady shit going on.

Amara W

So everyone got a medical condition now? Aight💀


I've been working out 6 days/week in a gym that doesn't require masks for 2 months now, and it gets hella packed. Been seeing the same people for months and none of them have gotten sick, nor myself...so yeah, the 1 in 3 people in LA supposedly having this virus is definitely bullshit lol statistically speaking, we would've definitely been infected by now if that were the case. Shady shit and lies are definitely taking place smh


I don't see why people won't just let people do what they want. Everyone should worry about themselves. This is why we have amazon.


Plus how hard is it to put a mask on? Just because the virus has not affected you does not mean it does not exist.


it’s so annoying when they are like “it’s not against the law” or “i have a constitutional right” as if private owned companies care when they have their own policies they have to follow, they act as if walmart is a government owned business or something


I'm so glad I live in NZ where we don't have to wear masks because people are for the most part normal and cooperated with the nationwide lockdown and our government put people before profits financially supporting those who lost their jobs or were impacted. We only have existing cases at the border in quarantine. No community transmission right now


Idk if anybody noticed but in the clip with that one lady talking about BLM and ALM, she first said she didn’t wanna wear a mask because she felt it was unnecessary since she was “perfectly healthy”, but when the manager came to talk to her she said she didn’t wanna wear it cause she has a “medical condition”. That jus proves these ppl are being difficult for the sake of being difficult and that they know they have no excuse for not wearing a mask. SMH for real, these ppl gots to go.


Tbh I have to wear a mask because I’m at higher risk

Devron Love

I was a bit of a skeptic to all this shit honestly, but I manage a clothing store so I follow the rules and wear and mask and require customers to wear a mask. It was until I got the fucking Rona from my job that I became real adamant about this. I had family members and friends who had got sick but they are in Texas and Ohio back home so it still seemed so far removed from me. And nobody around me was sick or anyone I knew here in my city. But I was super sick one day and then lost my taste. And I was like oh shit. Went to the hospital and tested positive. I was PISSED. I do everything I’m supposed to I ONLY go to work and home since March, and I still got this damn virus. So from now on I’m not arguing with any customers who don’t wear a mask, if you don’t wear one get out or I’m punching niggas in the throat 😂 Nah but seriously I have no more patience to argue with people who don’t want to wear a mask. If you can wear a mask for the time it takes you to shop then don’t shop. I don’t know what else to tell you but you won’t be coming into our store without one. I’m back at work now, returned this week, and I’m low key nervous like...what are the chances I could get it again. This shit is just crazy.