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Black Americans Finding Out Which African Tribe They're From



So as far as I know, there are only two Black-owned DNA testing companies: African Ancestry and AfroRootsDNA. Both tests are better for Black people than the regular commercial brand DNA test like 23andMe and MyHeritage, in the fact that they have a larger database in Africa. When DNA companies have “databases,” that means that they have DNA samples from people who were born and raised in other countries on file. They take your DNA and match it to theirs and that’s how they can tell where you’re from. Your friend probably got two different results back from their tests because one of the companies she went with had a larger database than the other so they had more DNA samples to compare it to. Those test aren't really helpful to Black people. Also, the commercial brand DNA companies will give you countries in Africa but they won’t specify which tribe from that country. Both AfroRoots and African Ancestry will give you specific tribe names. African Ancestry doesn’t give you percentages of entire genetic makeup, e.g., 70% African and 30% European. African Ancestry only examines your mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is the part of your DNA that was passed down to you from your mother and her mother and her mother, and so on. Therefore, since you and everyone related to your mother share that same DNA, whatever your results are it will be the same for anyone related to your mom. This test will tell you where your family came before the slave trade. As mentioned in the video, you can also track down your father’s line but because many enslaved females were raped and impregnated by their White owners, your results for the paternal test might lead you to somewhere in Europe. It only takes one of your great grandfathers to have been a White male for it to divert the test to somewhere in Europe. The other test, AfroRootsDNA, examines the entire genetic makeup that was given to you from all of your ancestors and will give you percentages of everything you are. However, this test will only apply to you and not your family. I recommend this test over African Ancestry because African Ancestry tells you where your family started as opposed to AfroRoots which tells you what you, yourself alone, are today. For example, if my sixth great grandmother was an Asian woman but she had a child with a Black person and then that child had a child with a Black person and so on, where my mother’s side of the family started would be somewhere in Asian; however, the majority of what I am is Black. The same rules apply to the tribes/ethnic groups in Africa. Just because one of your great grandmothers was apart of a specific tribe before the slave trade doesn’t necessarily mean that the specific tribe she was from is your majority. I recommend, AfroRoots over African Ancestry because its cheaper and will give you more answers. I just requested this video because African Ancestry has more videos about their company and AfroRoots is a smaller and lesser known company.

Ryan Haile

Is your reasoning because you don’t want them to have your DNA?


Nah just a change in perspective after getting into spirituality. A lot of things I used to think were important just aren't relevant to me anymore. Where I come from being one of them. I respect and understand others' interest in wanting to know though


You heard lmao I don’t even remember telling y’all that...clearly I need to shut tf up about my love life 💀 but yeah I’ll take all those blessings lol