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Japanese Night Life


Ryan Haile

As someone who has traveled quite a bit and loves east Asia, you got and will get more stares than him cuz you black hahahaha. I have only been to China, Japan, and Thailand (hoping to go to the Philippines, Vietnam, and Korea really soon as well), but I at some point got stares in all of those locations though less in more touristy areas. I will say however, Japan was the best out of the three of them and I don't feel like you have to worry TOO much about pickpockets or feeling unsafe you mostly get stares because you're just different and people are intrigued. Just don't be doing dumb shit and you should be fine. I got VERY few stares in Japan (Though I was traveling with one white person and a fairly white-passing Arab) but we only got some looks at the absolute most non-touristy areas and it wasn't any crazy staring just quick glances like they were intrigued.