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Hi guys! I'm back with a new music video :)

I'm finally feeling a little better and more confident again in my work after some setbacks.

The comics going well. 21st Episode uploaded so far!

I have some catch-up to make for my comic for a couple of weeks(gotta stack up some more saves to work on other things again :) ), so, See you guys again later!

Your credits will be written on the next video!

I love you all!


Eden Treaty 'Our Story' BGM - Acoustic Ver. (Constant Moderato)[Blue Archive OST / Guitar / chill ]

■ Arranged & Performed by: ChapChap (My pet tentacle monster) ■ Art & Animated by: Simi Cho (Me, the owner of Chapchap) MY STORY WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS! ■ Original music information Constant Moderato(Our story) - Blue Archive OST Composer: Mitsukiyo https://mitsukiyo.info/ Blue Archive official game website: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/