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Or maybe it is?

Hello everyone.

Everything was a little messy in the past days and for unknown reasons I just can't work on 100 percent on new scenes or characters for the Sarada training.

But I can promise you after I finish Yoruichi next update for Sarada Training will be much closer to release date. I am just not sure if I add a new character (Anko or female Haku) or just add some classic or threesome scenes to the game.

It's more than 35 degrees outside at the moment and I'm not quite in the right mood to make decisions. However, two things are certain at the moment:

1. Next update for the Sarada training

2. New game in the future.

Thanks for support...




<p style="color: #008600;">You can be understood, 35 degrees of heat is already too much, I hope you feel good! The main thing now is take care of yourself...</p>

shard zerune

2 for sure bleach is big enough to be its own thing