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Hello everyone.

May the New Year bring you happiness, peace, and prosperity. Wishing you a joyous 2022! 2021 was a really hard year and I am happy that you all are here with me still supporting me and playing my games. I was not able to make this new year's post sooner so this pic is a little outdated.

When I look back many things happened, fortunately most of them was good and I hope and believe this year will be better than the last one. My main game Sarada Training can now be called big game and is a good mixture of all styles I developed through past years. Dxd game main story is complete and I really hope it will get more popular in this year so I can make some good update for it too. Vault repopulation come somehow less popular but I hope there will be some love for this project too, and I will make an update for it. Or maybe I will create a new game. It is all open.

Right now I want to finish the update for DxD and then try to make a new story line with Aida of the Sarada Training. 

Dream big and make the most of 2022!

Thanks for support...




Happy 2022