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Hello everyone.

I know it is a really long time since I post something on patreon. Right now I am still working on the next update for Sarada training and it is 95 % ready...

I had some issues in the past weeks with scripting mainly because the main reply file becomes really huge and my PC need longer time for saving my progress and sometimes whole program just freeze and fail so I was forced to write some parts of the updates over and over again. 

To prevent that I split the main script in two scripts and start with creating the new update in the smaller file to prevent other complications...  Yes, I should do that in the previous update but I was hoping my PC can handle it...

Right now I need to finish some smaller events and test the whole game to find out if everything working...  If you know about any bug or misplaced images in the game, please write it here and I will fix them...  Also, I want to thank to everyone, to you guys and girl who are supporting me and are still with me... 

Thanks for everything...



Take your time. We will wait until its ready

Tri Tran

I emailed you


thanks for you hard work